Chapter Twenty Six

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Chapter Twenty Six

The next morning I woke up and I could smell breakfast being made downstairs.

"What the hell?" I mumbled to myself as I got out of bed and groggily walked downstairs.

I looked in the kitchen to see Angel cooking something over the stove and Andrew setting my kitchen table with four seats.

"What are you guys doing?" I asked as I walked over to the fridge to get a glass of milk.

"We wanted to make you breakfast before work. And Aunt Melissa is coming over. She should be here any minute now." Andrew replied.

I nodded and yawned a bit. "Just let me go take a quick shower and get ready then I'll be down." 

"Alright, but don't be too long." Angel smiled over at me.

I smiled back and walked back upstairs to take my shower and put my work uniform on.

When I came back downstairs I saw all three of them sitting at the table, all plates untouched.

"You guys actually waited for me?" I giggled as I sat down.

"Of course. It's your house, we can't eat without you." My Aunt said as she hugged me.

"Well thank you."

We all ate and it was actually pretty good for Angel's cooking.

"Aunt Melissa, how's the baby?" I asked as I took a bite of food.

"She's good, just about three more weeks." She smiled. "I picked out her name, too."

"What is it?" Angel and Andrew asked at the same exact time. Damn twins.

"Kayden Cassidy. Kayden after your mother, and Cassidy after Sage's middle name." She looked at me.

I nodded and bit my lip, tears forming in my eyes. "That's beautiful." I whispered.

"Mom would like it." Angel said softly.

"So would Sage." Andrew mumbled.

After we ate i had to leave or I would've been late. Angel and Andrew told me they would keep an eye on the house and they would do laundry and do dishes while I was gone.

It was nice finally having someone there at all times. I was a bit low on money and didn't live in the best part of London, there for, I was afraid of leaving my house unattended.

But, I knew they would keep it safe for me.

Niall's Point Of View

"So boys, you have a little break from the studio. You can have all weekend off, but I want you back here first thing Monday morning." Our manager said as we sat in the living room of our flat on a Skype call with him.

"Alright, sounds good." Liam responded.

"Have fun, and like I said, back here first thing Monday morning." He nodded and ended the call.

This was my chance. I was going to Jade's house to apologize and make things right with her.

I finally got Harry to tell me where she lived and I was very happy I know how to get things out of him.

I got out of my seat and went upstairs to change out of my shorts and put on jeans.

When I went back downstairs, the boys gave me odd looks.

"I'm going to make things right." I said as I walked out of the house and got into my car.

When I got there I walked up to the door and knocked, maybe a bit too loudly.

But when the door opened, my eyes went wide with shock.

"Oh, you must be Niall." A tall, built guy with water blue eyes and short brown hair said.

"Where's Jade?" I asked.

"At work. She'll be home later. But, she doesn't want to talk to you. And I think it's a bit sad that you'd pick your job over someone like her."

"I wasn't going to leave her! I wanted to tell her I was going to pick her over singing but she wouldn't let me speak." I replied, throwing my hands up.

"Yeah, likely story. Now beat it." He said and slammed the door in my face.

Why won't anybody listen to me? And who was he?

I got back into my car and drove off to the pub for a much needed drink.

Jade's Point Of View

When I got home Angel and Andrew were sitting on the couch in the living room. But, they both had on very nice looking outfits. Angel was wearing a short, flowy pink dress with silver heels and her hair and make up were done perfectly. Andrew was wearing a nice pair of kahkies, a black polo and his black converse.

"Why are you guys so dressed up?" I asked as I sat down.

"We're taking you out to dinner. I'm trying to make up for all the shit I did to you. And Andrew's never taken us out anywhere." Angel said as she smiled and let out a small giggle.

"Now, go get drssed. And no matter how much you hate dressing up, you're doing it." Andrew chuckled.

I sighed and rolled my eyes playfully as I went up stairs to look through my closet.

When I came downstairs they both looked at me with shocked expressions.

"What?" I rose an eyebrow.

"You look great." Angel said as we stepped out of the house.

After we got to the restraunt I smiled at how beautiful it was.

"So Jade, we had a visitor today." Andrew said as we began eating our food.

"Who was it?" I asked as I could hear the harshness in his voice.

"Niall decided to come over. He said he wasn't going to leave you. But I didn't believe him. I told him to leave and slammed the door in his face." He replied.

I looked at him for a second and blinked. "What?"

"He told me the night he wanted to talk to you, he wasn't going to leave you. He was going to pick you over his singing."

I looked at him for a bit longer and blinked a few more times before I got out of my seat and ran out of the restraunt.

I had to make things right.

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