Calm & Peaceful (Cpt. 2) [Rewritten]

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~ Y/N POV ~

The festivals were always a fun time for everyone in the town to celebrate our harvest of the year and bond with each other. We would share important and exciting news here, and the elders would tell stories for hours. I, being the chief of the town, had to put it together and helped with a majority of the preparations.

My parents, the chiefs of the town, died about 4 years ago, and since then I've been in charge of making sure the people here live in peace. I had many good memories of them, yet I don't remember how they died. Of course, I knew it was tragic. In fact, I remember that I was there. Despite this, I don't remember the events.

"Chief Y/N!" Someone's voice shouted, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Would you like to taste the stew? I would like your expertise" one of the adults suggested. Most people older than me would pick on me for my picky taste, not that I had a problem with it.

I went over to the huge pot being kept over the fire. It was filled nearly to the top with boiling stew, and the smell was enticing. This stew was a special recipe from the one of the families, made with fresh lamb, onions, carrots, garlic, oregano, basil, and a secret ingredient. No matter how much I ate it, I would never grow sick of it.

"It's perfect." Me and the person making the soup exchanged quick word, before I looked around the place. It had always been peaceful, but it also seemed so cramped sometimes.

Most people's houses were scattered on the outskirts of the clearing we would meet at for events such as these, and most of said people had gardens. Some of them even had livestock.

We also had other buildings around town; we had a library, a tavern, a schoolhouse, and a shelter for firewood. Oh but nothing here was free; our way of life is give and take, and if you don't contribute you don't get resources.

We also had money! Crazy concept, I know. Whenever merchants would come by, they brought stuff with them. At first, we didn't have the money to give them. Instead, they recommended we sell them items they can sell and we got money from that! We don't use it in the village, but for the merchants.

I continued walking, realizing I was walking straight into the forest. I shrugged my shoulders and complied; I could use a nature walk.

I wandered through the forest per usual, taking everything in around me. The beautiful green leaves reflecting the sun, the chirping of birds, the rustle of leaves, the feel of dirt against my bare feet (once I had taken my shoes off), and the smell of fresh air would always welcome me.

This is the very forest that started everything.
Word count: 495 words
Written: 06/15/21
Rewritten: 07/17/21

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