Fight & Establish (Cpt. 10)

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TW: blood, violence

~ Y/N POV ~

To be honest, I had already heard it. The shuffling from Dream's advisor, the man in white. I had heard a small click when I was about to state who I would be siding with.

A crossbow. So he knows.

I grabbed my bow and an arrow, and aimed it at the man. I would only do this if I was sure. And sure enough, he was holding a crossbow aimed to my chest.

"Dream, if he shoots that and she dies, you'll have an entire village and our kingdom after you." Phil spoke with a warning tone, standing up in alarm.

In my peripheral vision, I saw Techno speaking to a guard before said guard raced off. Meanwhile, Wilbur and Tommy were equipping stuff Ranboo got them.

I saw Dream give a small flick of the hand, and the man in white's hand moved to the trigger. I needed to time this perfectly...

As I watched, I noticed Dream's hand moving a little bit. Then, I could tell it was about to stop. "That must be the signal to shoot." I thought.

I aimed the bow perfectly before firing, aiming for the string that let the crossbow work. If the arrow missed, or the line didn't cut, I was done for. Luckily, I never miss.

However, what I did miss was one of Dream's other advisors with strange glasses coming up behind me and holding a knife to my throat. I almost didn't dare to breathe.

I gave a nervous chuckle. "Man, the weather huh?" Out of the three men, not a single one found it funny.

Dream came up to me with a sword swinging in his hand.

"For me? You're so generous Dream." I tried squirming out of the guy's grip, but the man behind me only held the knife closer, giving my a small cut and making my heart race.

Dream laughed. "You know what's funny? This entire time, and through every encounter with me you've put up a confident front. However, we're exposing who you really are. A coward." And with that, he handed the sword to his friend in white, who swiped his sword across my stomach.

It took a moment to register what had just happened, and when it did I could only hear one thing; a blood curdling scream. I assume that it must have been mine. Time seemed to slow, and when my focus came back, he aimed for my leg and struck again.

I looked down at my clothing, most of it red and severed, and looked back up at Dream and the man in white.

"You fucks. I'll kill you, I will, and when it happens I'll be laughing through it all." Darkness started creeping to the edges of my vision and I could feel tears streaming down my face along with the cold blade still pressed to my neck. "I'll make sure it happens slowly, just to be sure you've learned your goddamn lesson. Do you hear me?" I was screaming by the end of it, my chest heaving and body heavy. The blood had started running down, I could feel it's warmth. And yet, a cold embrace reached out for me...

The approaching darkness in my vision took over moments later, and I felt my body hit the cold floor.

Word count: 494 words
Published: 06/16/21

Author rocking himself back and forth.
"Could i interest you in everything all of the time? A little bit of everything all of the time. Apathy's a tragedy and boredom is a criiiime anything and everything, all of the time-"

More recent yeah I recommend watching Bo Burnham's "Inside" comedy special...ha yeah....comical...anyway, will someone pay for my therapy?

Day of posting note: if I ever put a :3 at the end, you guys should be scared.



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