Opposite Dimension Pt. 2

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Previously on Grojband, the amazing Kin had created another extraordinary invention that could tear the fabric of space and--

"Kin! Would you quit talking to the wall and help us OUT!" Laney cried as her and Kon tried to tear their strangely dressed band leader away from the garage door. The young teen's hands gripped the side of the wall. His fingers sensed freedom around the corner.

"Let me go, losers! LET ME GO!" Corey screamed at the top of his lungs.

"No! Not until Kin fixes you, Core," Laney threatened while her arms were wrapped tightly around his waist. Kon had grabbed a hold of his ankles, but even the drummer was having trouble peeling his band leader off the wall.

"My name's not Core. It's Jaron Riffen! And you garage punks are totally DEAD if you make me miss my date with Laney Penn!" Corey howeled.


Laney had unconsciously released the enraged teen, causing both him and Kon to get flung towards the stage, crashing into a pile of instruments. Kin did a double take. He adjusted his glasses before strolling over to the red head. He glanced her way to see her jaw had nearly hit the floor.

"Uh, Laney? Bro? You good?" Kin asked, waving his hand over her gawking expression.

"D-Did he just... just--" Laney's face grew a deep crimson before collapsing to the ground. Kin watched her fall before his attention was pulled away. Commotion came from the stage. Corey, or Jaron, had peeled the drummer off him. He then stood up straight again.

"Ugh! You punks are going down!" Jaron shouted, brushing a few chords off his body. After Kin and him made eye contact, the blue-haired teen charged.

"Eep!" Kin cried and dashed away with Jaron hot on his heels. The two did circles around the entire garage.

As the two bandmates played a very theatening game of tag, Trina and Mina strolled out of the pink demon's room.

"Ugh, like what-the-what are those lameos doing now--"

"I'll turn you inside out, string bean!" Jaron screamed as he grew closer and closer to the keyboardist.

"Trust me! That would be waaay more uncomfortable for you than me!" Kin added but picked up the pace before Jaron could grab the back of his t-shirt. Trina stared at the chaos below her, mesmerized by it. She held her hand out to Mina.

"Popcorn... please," she added at the end. Trina agreed to be nicer to the girl she technically left beind with the rest of the world to get blown up by a meteor. Mina nodded happily before handing the teen a bag of popcorn. The pink-haired girl munched on the buttery treat as she secretly admired her little brother's actions... until she remembered it was Corey and then mentally dumped that thought into a pool of acid.

After a few more laps around the giant garage, Kin rushed over to Laney's dead body and lifted her off the ground.

"Look! Look! See? Laney's right here. Now, please don't turn me inside out," Kin pleaded as he waved the redhead around until her eyes snapped open. She looked all over the room. Her emerald gaze landed on Jaron who stood a foot away from her combat boots. A small chuckle escaped her lips.

"I don't know whether to be thrilled or mortified by the fact this wasn't a dream," Laney muttered while Kin still held her up by her armpits. Jaron examined the shorter teen closely, looking straight at her face. Laney's cheeks grew a tad pink at how the guitarist was only a few inches away from her face now.

"H-Hey, buddy, I'll knock your lights out if you don't--" Jaron suddenly gasped. He yanked the bassist away from Kin and spun her around.

"It is you! Oh my gosh, I'm soooo sorry, Laney! I hardly recognized you," Jaron said with pure joy. He held Laney tight in his arms, causing the young girl to explode with glee.

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