Band Origin Pt. 3

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Not So Wicked Transition...

After her argument with the twins, Laney found herself back at her Grunkle's shop.


The old man walked out from the back to find Laney foaming at the mouth.

"What happ--"

"Ugh! Why don't those boneheads see that he's bad news?!" Laney shouted.

"Who?" Simon replied, raising an eyebrow at his little niece. Laney took in a deep breath before continuing.

"Those twins from next door play instruments too, and they wanted to form a band. But we wanted to add a guitarist to the group, and this new family moved in. The sister is a monster, and the twins wanted to have her brother join. BUT HE'S CLEARLY GONNA BE A JERK TOO!" the red head huffed, completely out of breath.

Grunkle Simon blinked a few times at the information dump. He glanced up at the ceiling, replaying everything she said.

"Uh... how do you know he's a jerk?"

"Because his sister chucked us across the street like rag dolls!" Laney spat.

"So that means her brother is horrible too?" Simon furthered, leaning a hand against the counter.

"Yes! Apple can't fall far from the--"

"Says the girl who hates almost everything her parents like," Simon snapped with crossed arms. Laney blinked. Her mouth was left agape at his words before scoffing.

"No, that's... different," she trailed off before sighing in defeat. Her grunkle strolled over to her and knelt down to her level.

"Laney, I know you've dealt with bullies in the past, but it's not fair to this boy that--"


"There you are! I told you we'd find her here, Steve," the voice of Laney's mother sent the young girl groaning.

Before the red head could even turn around, a hand had latched onto her wrist.

"Come on, sweetie, we can still make it to your ballet lessons."

"Aww, did Uncle Simon get you a bass? How sweet of him. Later Simon," her father called out, waving the old man goodbye.

"Mom, I don't wanna--"

"No butts, missy. You promised me that you would finish the classes. We can try cheerleading next if you want--"

"Ugh!" Laney spat. She glanced back at her grunkle as her body was pulled through the door. He gave his niece a comforting smile before she was dragged from his sight.

Ballet Lesson Transition!

"So your grandma use to live in that house?" Kon asked as him, his brother, and Corey strolled out of the mall. The blue-haired boy nodded as he sipped his slushie. Kin carried a three scoop icecream cone while his brother held a banana split sundae.

"Where'd she go then?" Kin continued, mouth covered in strawberry and chocolate dessert.

"Off to a better place now..." Corey trailed off. His expression grew serious while the twins glanced between themselves.


"Oh, there she is," Corey replied before dashing over to the street. Kin and Kon sighed with utter relief, wiping their brows before joining their new friend. An old woman stopped infront of the kids with a bright orange sports car with flames. The curly haired woman lifted up her shades at the sight of Corey.

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