Episode 1 Opposite Dimension

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A/n: This is a new take on the Opposite Dimension episode that I did in my last book. It has a similar premise, but I changed a few things. Hope you enjoy!


And then....

It was early in the afternoon. Laney and Kon were reading while relaxing on the detached car seat in Corey's garage. Laney was sitting normally on it while Kon managed to balance himself on the headrest. He let out a giggle every so often which made the read head curious. She looked away from her magazine and glanced up at her friend.

"Okay, what's making you laugh so much?" Laney asked, sounding bored.

"Only the best super hero in the world! Super Dude!" Kon replied loudly while shoving his comic book in Laney's face. She read over the page before rolling her eyes.

"All this guy does is make dad puns before punching the villain in the face," Laney complained.

"Uh... yeah. And it's awesome! Kin agrees with me. Right, bro?" Kon questioned while sitting up. However, the sudden movement of his weight caused the car seat to tip backwards. Laney let out a yelp as the two of them fell to the ground. Meanwhile, Kon's twin brother, Kin, was working on a machine that was hidden under a white sheet. A welding mask covered his face while he used a blow torch. He paused his work and flipped up the mask.

"Super Dude? Of course he's the best! And he does more than puns. He finds a way to connect with the reader with his struggles and takes down his enemies with huge explosions!" Kin explained happily.

"Sounds like a real stand-up guy," Laney mumbled before sitting up. She blew a chunk of hair out of her face.

"Yeah, see? He's so cool!" Kon beamed with sparkles in his eyes. Laney smirked at her friend. She then turned her attention to the stage in the room and placed her chin on her palm.

"Core, do you like this super hero guy too?" Laney asked her band leader.

"Super Dude!" Kon corrected with his usual booming voice. Corey sat on the edge of the stage with his guitar in-hand. He was tuning it until he looked up at Laney.

"Never heard of the guy-" Kon let out a gasp in response, devastated that his leader never heard of his favorite super hero. "He sounds pretty cool, but I'm more interested in what Kin's latest machine is," Corey finished, glancing at the kid genius.

"Well, I think I'm all done. Would my fellow dudes come up?" Kin asked in a bit of a proper tone. The rest of the band dropped what they were doing and stood in front of the bed sheet. Kin cleared his throat and grabbed a hold of the white cloth.

"My bros, may I present you... my Alternate Dimension machine!" Kin announced proudly. With one tug, the bed sheet tore off to reveal a huge satellite looking device with several buttons and levers. "The name is a work in progress," He added with a cough.

"Ooooo," The rest of the band replied in awe.

"We can go to any dimension we want?" Corey asked.

"Like a world made out of cheese!?" Kon shouted before drooling at the thought.

"Yes, in theory, but I haven't tested it out, yet. I was gonna try it on this apple," Kin explained while lifting up the little red fruit. "I have a camera that shows me what dimension that I want it to go to." A screen was on the machine, just above a keyboard. He placed the apple in front of the satellite before going back to type.
"So, if I type in 'cheese world', then it'll pull up a picture of it on my screen."

The machine's screen went static for a couple seconds before showing hills covered entirely of cheese.

Kon rushed over and squealed at the sight. Corey and Laney then backed away from the apple as Kin continued to type.

"Finally, I just pull the lever and..."

A red glow slowly formed on the satellite dish. It shot sparks every which way as it adjusted itself, aiming right for the apple. The red glow grew brighter until a laser shot directly at the fruit. Smoke filled the room, and the band coughed in response. Corey went over and opened the garage door to let the place air out. When the garage cleared up, the bandmates noticed the apple was gone. Corey and Laney rushed over to the screen to see the apple was now floating down the cheesy hill.

"Success!" Kin cheered happily.

"Awesome..." Corey muttered.

"Kin! Kin! Do me next, bro!" Kon insisted while he still drooled at the cheesy sight.

"Now wait, I have no idea what the machine will do to living objects. I still have to do more trials before we can test it on ourselves--" Sparks started going off on the keyboard. Kin glanced down to see Kon's drool had seeped into the machine.

"Is that bad?" Corey asked his inventor friend, noticing the sparks.

"Yes... yes it is," Kin replied plainly. The invention's satellite then moved upward. A similar red glow appeared, and it grew brighter with each passing second."Duck and cover!!" Kin shouted. He dove underneath the ping pong table.

The rest of the band raced for cover as the machine started blasting lasers in every direction. Objects in the garage disappeared one by one. More black smoke filled the entire room. The chaos continued for another few seconds until the machine suddenly stopped. Its satellite dipped down towards the ground. The smoke leaked outside until the garage was completely clear again. With a few coughs here and there, Laney stood up to witness the damage.

"Everyone okay?" She asked while shaking the dust off her hair.

"Yeah..." Kin mumbled, rising from his hiding place. His brother sat up and spit out a puff of smoke in response.

"Core?" Laney asked, not hearing the guitarist answer. The three friends looked around the garage for any sign of their blue haired leader. "Core!" Laney exclaimed this time. A sudden groan came from her yelling. The bandmates' eyes lingered towards the detached car seat. A figure crawled out from behind it. They rubbed their head from the rough impact.

"Who the heck is doing all that shouting? It's getting on my nerves," The figure complained rudely as he ran his fingers through his blue hair.
Laney and the twins' jaws dropped at the sight. The person infront of them looked like their band leader, but he wore a powder blue dress shirt under a knitted sweater. His mouth was covered in huge shiney braces, and the signature orange beanie was missing from his head.

"C-Core?" Laney mumbled in disbelief. The figure looked at the three bandmates in both confusion and disgust. His eyes narrowed while his nose scrunched up.

"Who are you losers?" He asked dully.

A/N: Like I said before, a bit of a twist! I wanted to redo my Opposite Dimension special, but I wanted to change it alittle to make it more fun to rewrite. See you next time for part 2!

Special thanks to SMG4-Fan1 for the request to write this 2 parter again.

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