Cut-Throat Reunion Pt. 4

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<Previously on Grojband>

Claps filled the air as Mayor Mellow walked on stage. He smiled towards the crowd before holding up the microphone.

"How's it going Peaceville! I hope everyone's enjoying the Music Festival. Today, we have several performances from bands that have come from all kinds of different towns to fight for the title of best band and win this BEE-utiful trophy and several other prizes!" Mellow announced while motioning over to the 4 foot tall trophy that stood next to the judges. Professional judges sat at a wooden table, pens and papers already in their hands.

Mellow's secretary stood off to the side with a clipboard. She ascended the steps and walked behind the stage. She flipped through her checklist, studying every check mark she made before sighing happily.

"Finally, we aren't behind for once... Places everyone! First band up will be the Newmans!" the blonde woman announced while she waltzed past the performers.

The Newmans stood on the other side of the stage, peeking out to check the crowd in the folded out chairs. Carrie smiled when she noticed her sister with the book group. The two made eye contact before waving to each other. The guitarist, though, also noticed the news crew with their cameras positioned towards the stage.

"This is it, Newmans," Carrie said while turning to look back at her band. A huge grin was spread across her face. "This is our chance to go big! Even if we don't win all the categories. If we show off our skills, then we can make a name for ourselves with all those cameras watching."

"YEAH!" the rest of the band cheered. Larry's expression, though, fell when he glanced back at the other performers behind the curtain.

"Uh, should we be worried that Grojband isn't here yet? It's almost time to start."

"Hey, don't get soft on me now, Lars. Just because we've been getting along with them recently doesn't mean they still aren't our rivals. We can't worry if they're missing an opportunity like this," Carrie said with crossed arms. The twins stayed silent as well. They glanced at the ground with slight frowns.

"True, but they did seem really upset. I just hope they're okay," Konnie said. Kim adjusted her glasses and nodded.

"Let's hope they can talk things out. It seems like all of that arguing is stemming from bottled up emotions that are finally exploding," Kim stated with her arms folded behind her back.

"Gah! Enough about those idiots! They've got their own problems to deal with. Right now, we need to focus on our chance of a lifetime! Getting our names out there to towns outside of Peaceville!" Carrie announced while pointing over towards the news crew.

The rest of the band glanced at each other before looking back at their leader with wide smiles. Carrie grinned in response before pumping her fist into the air.

"It's time for the Newmans to shine!" she announced, and her band cheered in agreement.


The Newmans' excitement was cut short when they were flung back by an explosion. They flew through the curtains and tumbled across the dirt. Screams carried on through the air. Carrie lifted her head while a ringing filled her ear drums. The rest of her band rose as well, groaning in pain. The band leader stood up slowly and turned towards the stage to find curtains shredded and planks reduced to splinters. Mayor Mellow had been launched from the impact and landed in a snow cone cart that Larry held in the back of the crowd.

"What the heck was that?" Carrie asked. She looked over at her bandmates, who stood up as well with wobbling knees. Once she realized her friends were all stable, Carrie climbed the stage much to Larry's dismay. When the guitarist grew closer to the center, she noticed a hole in the center of the stage. With her friends racing up behind her, Carrie dared to take a peek inside the darkened hole. She could have sworn she saw a blue glow before a figure burst through the bottom and climbed back onto the stage. Her eyes widened when she spotted a familiar orange beanie.

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