Prince, Poet, Princess Pt. 5

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Previously on Grojband...


The bandmates and the enormous gang of goblins plummeted towards the river below. The freezing wind blew through Laney's hair as she screamed, but her hand still clutched onto the tiny fairy with all her might.
Laney shut her eyes, waiting for the ever chilly impact.

But... instead, she gagged when her shirt collar nearly choked her.

"Hang on!" a voice shouted from above. Laney looked up to see a figure consumed in a crimson cloak. Her eyes traveled over to her friends to see that they too were being rescued by other cloaked figures swinging on ropes. The group flew upward, over the canyon walls. The figures let go of their ropes and landed safely onto the ground with Grojband.

"Whoa! That was awesome!" Kin exclaimed.

"Yeah, thanks," Laney said, rubbing her sore neck.

"Who are you dudes?" Kon asked the shadowy figures.

"Hey, we're not dudes!" one of them spat, flipping down their hood. The twins and Laney gasped at the sight.

"THE NEWMANS!?" they screamed at the top of their lungs.

"Sup, lameos," Kim spoke with a smirk.

"Wha-- Why did you guys save us?" Laney spat, turning to Larry with his crimson cloak. He gave a slight shrug.

"Well, I mean, even if we're nemesises, we couldn't just let you guys plummet to your deaths," he admitted while rubbing his neck awkwardly.

"Yeah, we're not monsters!" Konnie exclaimed, sounding offended.

"But what are you guys doing here?" Kin continued, brushing off any dirt after standing up.

"And looking like Robin Hood and stuff," Kon added with a bit of glee.

"Well, we were all waiting in Carrie's garage for her to come back, and then, we were magically poofed to the middle of a forest," Kim explained.

"Yeah! And then there were these wanted posters everywhere with our faces on them. So, we've been kind of running from guards all this time," Konnie stated with excitement consuming her gaze.

"Wicked!" Kin and Kon shouted with starstrucked eyes.

"Mmm..." Everyone stopped their conversations once a sound came from Laney's hand. The bassist uncurled her fingers to see Fairteeny opening her eyes.

"What happened?" she asked while sitting up and massaging her forehead.

"I don't know... maybe you should tell us that, Fairteeny," Laney replied, carrying a cold stare. The tiny fairy scanned around. All the teens were staring straight at her. Fairteeny glanced down at the ground while a lump formed in her throat.

"I don't know. Maybe it was a glitch in my magic."

"Well that glitch almost got us killed!" Laney spat, scowling at the magical creature. However, Fairteeny didn't notice. In fact, the tiny fairy seemed to be completely absent from the conversation. A thought suddenly struck her mind, giving Fairteeny chills.

"I need to see if it's actually him..."

"What?" Kin asked.

"No more playing!" Fairteeny shouted before slamming her glowing hands towards the ground.


No More Playing Transition!!!

Grojband and the Newmans magically appeared inside a grand hall before smacking against marble. Groans carried through the pile of bodies.

"Anybody else getting sick of hitting the ground?" Kon complained as he peeled himself off of Konnie.

"Fairteeny, where the heck did you--"

"Mwahaha!!!" All the teens turned to the source of the laughter to find a giant towering over them from his jewel-filled throne. Fairteeny's skin resembled a ghost as she gawked at the figure in horror.

"No... no, it can't be him..."

"Who is--" Laney started but was interrupted by the twins slamming into her sides.

"It's the greedy king!!!" they screamed.

"That's King Jeremiah to you, fools! I thought Fairteeny would have informed you of that," the king said with a smirk towards the trembling fairy. The Newmans stood off to the side, puzzled by the whole situation. Laney, though, was the only other person, beside the twins, flabbergasted by the situation. She glanced between the frightened fairy and the giant.

"W-What!? Why is he here! And... why is so huge!" she screamed.

"He... broke out..."

"What?!" Grojband exclaimed again.

"What do you mean 'broke out'? I thought you uncursed that king long ago?" Laney asked. She looked over at the Newmans to see Konnie whispering over to her sister.

"You think this is some plotline we missed?" Kim shrugged.

"Probably, I just wish I brought popcorn."

"I did! But I-I-I was so angry... I found a way to copy his spell and cursed him inside this book with me. He's supposed to rot in a cell deep inside the pages, but... he must have found a way out," Fairteeny continued, refusing to tear her eyes away from the king.

"And, I'm glad you did. Now I have the power to create whatever I want. I should have trapped myself in a book ages ago... minus the part being trapped in a cage." Jeremiah glared at Fairteeny before turning away. "But, the past is in the past. I even managed to trap your little princess. He's a slippery fella." 

The greedy king lifted his hand to reveal Corey in a cage. The boy fumbled to his feet from the sudden force.

"Guys!" Corey exclaimed as he grabbed the bars.

"Corey!" the rest of Grojband shouted. The Newman Twins gawked at the sight of the guitarist while Larry raised an eyebrow at the young man's wardrobe.

"Uhh... why--"

"Don't ask," Corey grumbled. He tossed his tiara one last time, but it reappeared back on his head.

"Stop this, Jeremiah!" Fairteeny squeaked. "Let him go!" The king snapped his attention back at the tiny creature, nostrils flaring.

"You think you have a right to lecture me? You're the one who copied this curse in the first place. You did this! You little pest!" Jeremiah shouted as he slammed Corey's cage onto the throne's armrest and stormed closer to the group. The whole ground shook under the enormous stomps. Every step made the fairy tremble even more.


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