A Monstrous Mistake Pt. 3

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A/N: Made another update... this quickly?!?! *Makes finger guns* I'm on a roll 🤘😎👍


Previously on Grojband...

"Why does the inside smell like mango and peaches?" Kim asked as she examined the inside of her doppelganger's invention.

"That would be the perfume Trina threw..." Kin groaned while holding two broken gears in each hand.

"No doubt Mina's perfume... seriously, I thought she dumped Corey's psycho sister a while ago," Carrie growled while not looking up from her phone.

"Brains?" Kon asked as he turned his slanting eyes towards her. He was tied up on the floor while most of the Newmans sat on top of the stage in Corey's garage. Kim stepped away from the crushed invention and turned to her rival.

"Well, this machine isn't fixable. We'll just have to create a new one. You have the blueprints for it, right?" Kim asked. Kin quickly replied by tossing over a notebook.

"You'd probably want to make a smaller one if we're gonna be running around trying to turn your friends back to normal," Larry pointed out before glancing over to see whatever Carrie was scrolling through.

"How are we gonna find those guys anyway?" Konnie asked as she twirled Carrie's staff between her fingers.

"It shouldn't be too hard. Just follow the sounds of screams. I'm sure Corey and Laney will cause enough commotion. The main problem is turning them back before they do something crazy," Kin explained. As he talked, him and Kim already started construction by setting out their tools.

Carrie slowly shook her head before turning to Larry.

"The main problem is how long they're gonna take with recreating the machin--"


The rest of the Newmans turned towards their genius friend, who merely snickered at the stares.

"No, not the machine, but I did make a couple weapons that could help trap the rest of Grojband."

The genius then held up two net launchers with a wide grin. The bandmates dropped what they were doing to stare at their friend's work in awe.

"I call them the Snipers. They're able to launch nets from up to several yards, and the nets also give the target a mild shock when they come into contact."

"Sick!" Konnie and Larry announced at the same time. Carrie grinned happily at the weapon before pointing a finger towards the inventor.

"Cool name too," she answered, making Kim adjust her glasses proudly. Even Zombie Kon nodded towards Carrie in agreement.

Kin rolled his eyes at the comment before joining the group.

"Okay, you guys use whatever you can to get my friends back while we work on a new machine."

"On it!" the trio of Newmans answered, too busy checking out the new weapons to snark at their rival.

Wicked Cool Transition!

Meanwhile, Trina and Mina arrived at the park where the Spooky Snack Contest went underway. The pink witch rushed out of her car with snacks in hand. Mina quickly followed after her, panting slightly by how fast her bestie moved.

"I don't think we need to rush. We still have 10 minutes till-"

"Ah! There he is!" Trina exclaimed happily before pointing.

In the center of the park were several black and orange tables with dozens of people presenting their spooktacular treats. At the end of the long line of tables stood Nick Mallory, looking over the food with a smile. He then glanced towards the blond-haired lady standing next to him.

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