Band Origin Pt. 5

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A/n: Hey! So sorry guys about the lack of updates and changing plans on you all again. Unsurprisingly, my schedule was still insane for the past two months, so I couldn't work on my Halloween special. However, I was already halfway done with this part of the "Band Origin" episode, so I thought I should just publish this. However, that means that I'm gonna finish my "Band Origin" episode before I continue the Halloween Special just because this episode has only one chapter left. I'm not sure when I'll update again, but thanks guys for being patient. Hope you enjoy!

Previously on Grojband--

"AAAHHH! GET OFF ME YOU LITTLE RED-HAIRED TROLL!" Trina screamed while trying to pry Laney's hands out of her hair.

"Make me!" Laney spat before shoving Trina's pink locks in her face.

The redhead had no idea what came over her-- Wait, yes she did. This prissy teenager just destroyed her own brother's guitar while laughing right in his face.

Laney had always been taught to not retaliate, not to stoop to a bully's level. Heck, she had preached that to Corey literally ten minutes ago.

Revenge was never the answer...

But OH did this witch need to be brought down a peg!

As the two girls wrestled, Corey stood off to the side. He stared in awe at the bassist in front of him, but he quickly snapped out of his trance once he noticed Laney's grip slipping. His gaze trailed over the park around him. Adults and kids flooded the area, playing games or chatting. Corey's eyes then landed on a volleyball net in the distance. A lightbulb went off in his mind before racing over to it.

Crazy Plan Transition!!!

Corey came back over to the bickering girls and placed the volleyball net between two trees. He tied the poles down to secure them before standing next to it.

Corey then whistled loudly, snapping Laney's attention towards him. He jabbed a thumb towards the net. A grin soon appeared over the redhead's face before leaning to the right. The enraged teen wobbled in the same direction. She was too blinded by her hair to see, but she spat off several unladylike words towards the ginger. Trina finally had enough and had managed to grab a hold of Laney's wrist. The pink-haired demon threw the bassist off her back and smiled wickedly.

"HAHA!" Trina shouted, but she suddenly lost her footing. Corey had stuck out his leg, causing Trina to trip and fall into the net. The volleyball equipment then flung the teen across the park.



The two kids winced at the sight of Trina landing face first into an ice cream stand, soaking the girl in hot fudge and sprinkles. Laney held back a laugh, but the blue-haired guitarist doubled over in giggles.

"That was AWESOME! You're so cool, Lanes!" Corey exclaimed with bright eyes. Laney's head tilted to the side.

"Lanes?" she asked, still sitting on the grassy floor.

"Yeah! Lanes, like a nickname... don't like it?" he asked before holding out his hand.

"No no, it's uh... it's cool," Laney answered before accepting his help.

"Dudes!" a voice called out. The two turned to find the twins rushing over to them. Both were sweating as though they just finished a marathon.

"Finally... found... you guys... phew," Kin moaned with his hands over his wobbly knees.

"What happened?" Kon asked after a few deep breaths.

"Eh, Trina being Trina, but Laney totally destroyed her!" Corey exclaimed with a smile. The redhead rubbed the back of her neck from the compliment while the twins stared at her with mouths agape.

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