Band Origin Pt. 4

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"One, two, three--"

"Oof!" Laney spat before losing her balance. Her chin collided with the wooden floor. A few giggles escaped from the class while the red head got back to her feet.


"Settle down, class. Let's take a break, alright?" the instructor stated. All the kids left their positions and headed over to their backpacks in the cubbies. Laney followed soon after, grumbling under her breath. She patted down the green tutu she wore and wanted to shred the sparkly cloth.

"Heh, I guess the loner isn't as perfect as she thinks," one girl spoke. Her friends snickered in the background.

"Says the girl who fell into the shoe rack last week," Laney replied with an eyeroll.

"Only because you shoved me!" the violet-haired girl nearly shouted. Her cheeks were burning red. However, the bassist didn't even acknowledge her outburst. She just went for her unicorn themed backpack. The red head whipped out a water bottle and took a few sips. Her eyes trailed over to her instrument case resting against the wall. She stared it down while her mind flashed back to the twins and their annoyingly perky attitudes. The red head wouldn't admit it, but she missed them...

Then she remembered the blue-haired boy and his monstrous sister, and she DEFINITELY didn't miss them.

"You play guitar or something?" Laney snapped out of her thoughts to see a boy standing a foot away.

"I play bass," Laney corrected.

"What's a bass?" another kid asked.

"A lame version of a guitar," the violet-haired girl mocked. Laney gripped her water bottle until the liquid nearly spilled over the top.

"Okay, Natalie... you wanna go? Then--"


Everyone turned their attention to the front door. Three boys rushed inside with sweat dripping off their faces. Laney instantly recognized them.

"Barrack all the doors and windows!" Kin screamed, pressing his back against the wooden entrance. Laney's ballet instructor waltzed up to them.

"What in the name of all--"

"No time, Ms. Ballerina! We're on death's door!" Kon exclaimed while copying his brother.

"Oh come on, this is like a five on the Trina Rage Scale," Corey explained while snickering to himself. Laney's attention targeted the guitarist before stroming over to him.

"What. Did. You. Do!" Laney spat, jabbing a finger into his chest.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Open the door! You are so dead!" Trina screamed on the other side. Laney watched Corey roll his eyes towards the threat. He then cupped his hands around his mouth. The red head's eyes widened.

He wouldn't...

"Come on Trina! That shirt isn't even new!" Corey exclaimed. The banging grew louder and louder, causing Corey to back up.

"You guys may want to move," he warned the twins with a smirk not leaving his face. The twins dashed out of the way before--


The front door to the ballet studio broke off its hinges and shattered against the ground.

"My studio!" the instructor gasped before fainting to the ground. Laney face palmed at the sight of her teacher.

"So much for adult supervision," Laney complained. She then turned back towards the pink demon. A bright blue stain drenched her purple tank top, and her eyes were blazing with pure rage towards her little brother. The bassist glanced over to the boy with a poker face. "You want me to get your parents to plan your funeral after this?" Corey turned towards her, still carrying that smile. Laney was beginning to think he was insane.

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