Prince, Poet, Princess Pt. 4

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Meanwhile... in the tallest tower--

"Just alittle more and... Yes!" Corey had found a nail filer in the night stand beside his bed. During this past hour, he was chipping away at the bars of his window. Surprisingly, the metal wall didn't refix itself right away like the door. However, when his progress was nearly finished, the band leader witnessed the metal ends of his new hole were morphing back together again. "Oh no you don't!"

Corey slipped through the hole with much ease... that was... until his puffy dress got caught on the bars. He tugged at the fabric with all his might. His attempts grew more panicky once he saw how small his man-made hole became. It wouldn't be long before the bars would be waaay too close for comfort.

"Come ooon... come on!" Corey grunted while giving another tug, but the dress was practically cemented in. "Argh! Forget this!" The guitarist shoved the sleeves off his shoulders and pushed his body out of the bushel of fabric. His sneakers were inches away from the metal bars that stabbed through the dress, forming the cage-like wall once again. Corey rubbed his brow from the built up sweat. "Phew... close one..." he trailed off before he realized something. The teen had jumped out of the way of the metal wall and was now not grabbing a hold of any part of the tower. He dared to take a look beneath his shoes, finding that he was several stories up. Corey pondered at the sight, rubbing his chin at his obvious mistake.

"Really should have thought this THROOOOUGH!!!!" The teen started plummeting towards the earth. His screams were concealed thanks to the high winds blowing through his ears. His mind whirled with several thoughts, panicking on what he could possibly do to break his fall. As his sapphire eyes scanned over the ever approaching earth, a cloud of pink dust filled his vision. After blinking a few times, Corey saw that the ginormous ball gown was placed back over his regular clothes. A lightbulb then went off above the teen's head.

Corey pointed his feet towards the ground and straightened his posture. The several layers of fabric caught wind of his plan and as if on cue, expanded like a balloon. Corey's speed quickly decreased. He practically floated down to the grassy floor like Mary Poppins with her umbrella.

Once his sneakers hit the dirt, Corey threw his fists into the air.

"Yes! I guess this dress was good for something afterall," he said, glancing down at the outfit with a grin. However, is victory was bittersweet.

"Halt!" Corey froze when a dozen steel spears circled him. Knights, consumed in shiny armor, surrounded the teen. Out of all the soldiers, though, Corey recognized the only one not wearing a helmet.

"Nick?" Corey asked the handsome young man. His smile shined brighter than his armor.

"Hey, Corey Riffen," Nick replied, lifting his spear back up to lean against. "Nice outfit. Way to get into the princess role."

"What's going on?" Corey furthered, not taking his eyes off the steel weapons.

"Nick Mallory isn't sure. He woke up with this outfit on. Apparently, Nick's the head of the guards," the older teen replied with a shrug.

"Then, can you tell these guys to back off?" Corey requested while a spear nearly touched his throat.

"Sorry, Riffen, but they really only listen to the king," Nick answered. One of the other knights lowered their weapon and yanked Corey's hands behind his back.

"King? Who's the king? Mayor Mellow?" the band leader guessed. If that strange man was the mayor of their town, then he must be the king. The second knight tied Corey's wrists together with a rope.

"No, Mayor Mellow's the tax collector," Nick said while pointing a finger to his right. Corey looked over to see the entrance to a castle. His eyes widened at the humungous structure he finally noticed. Mayor Mellow was waltzing into the front gates. He carried a sack in one hand and a picture frame of his mother in the other. He held an ear to the frame before gasping.

"You what!? Mother, you can't smuggle some of the town's money for your flower shop. The community's trust will surely flop," he said. Mellow paused, waiting for an answer that never came. He then gasped again. "Mother! There's no need for such salty language. Unless you want some child's innocence damaged." Corey blinked at the confusing sight before turning back to Nick.

"Then, who is the king?" The handsome young man shrugged before the band leader was dragged towards the castle.

Who's the King Transition?!?

At the same time, the rest of Grojband followed the pink fairy down the path until they reached a bridge. The wooden structure stretched all the way over a large canyon. Laney glared at the fairy.

"What? It's perfectly safe," Fairteeny explained with a hand wave. The red head strolled over to the rickety bridge and stomped her foot on the first plank. Instantly, the wood split into chunks and fell down towards the canyon's river. The twins stared at the deadly sight, mouths agape. Laney cocked an eyebrow at the magical insect, who scoffed in response. "I'm the narrator, remember? I'm not gonna let you all die."

"Very reassuring..." Laney muttered before following Fairteeny across the bridge. She shuffled over each plank with careful attention. Her friends mimicked her movements, taking each step as if it were their last.

"Hey... this isn't so bad," Kon said while a smile grew on his face.


The band turned to see short, green goblins jumping out of bushes on both ends of the bridge. All of them held weapons like clubs or torches.

"You just jinxed us, dude," Kin complained.

"Fairteeny!" Laney shouted in anger.

"It's not me! I didn't conjure up goblins," Fairteeny explained as the hideous creatures inched closer to the band.

"Then where did they come from?" Laney asked as the teens gathered together in the center.

"I-I don't know! Maybe it's..." Fairteeny's face went white. "Oh no..."

"What?" Kon asked this time. His eyes bulged when a torch nearly struck his face.

"Uh, I..." Fairteeny shook her head violently. "It's nothing. Here!" Her hands lit up with a bright pink glow. Clubs filled the band's hands. "Defend yourselves! I'll try to hold them--Aah!" The tiny fairy was interrupted by a sudden swing of a club. One of the goblins were too close for comfort and swat the pink creature with his weapon.

"Fairteeny!" the teens cried. The fairy was flung over the edge of the bridge, but Laney snatched the magical insect before she plummeted. The bassist looked her over, searching for any injuries. None were visible, but the fairy was unconscious.

"S-She's okay," Laney said with shakey breath.

"Uh, Laney?" Kin asked.



A/n: Cliff Hanger!!


*Gasps* 😱

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