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When you have been in the game long enough, you learn there is a certain way of doing things. It was like a game of chess. Certain formalities had to be observed in order to play the game without overthrowing the entire board. 

We were at the part in the game where Henry McKenny and I had to sit down to attempt to figure out how to avoid more bloodshed. He may have drawn first blood, but that did not constitute the demand for an absolute bloodbath. We may be in hell, but we weren't complete animals. 

"Do you want me to come with you?" Alastor asked, watching as I slid a pistol into its holster on my calf. 

"I am taking some of my men with me," I replied, "Besides, bringing along a notorious Overlord may be taken as a threat."

When he raised an eyebrow, I added, "It's a negotiation of sorts. Threats will come later if need be."

Alastor came over to me as I put on my coat, one long hand reaching out to cup my chin. I looked up into his insane gaze, his voice calm as he said, "Just say the word, my dear, and I will paint the streets with their blood."

Old No.7 | An Alastor x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now