Phone Call

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Only after our little war room did I retreat to my office and call Alastor. He picked up on the first ring.

"We have a bit of an escalation you should be aware of," I said by way of greeting, holding the phone to my ear with my shoulder as I poured myself a drink. 

"Naturally," Alastor chuckled, "So tell me, my dear, what is the plan?"

"War is the plan," I replied with a wry smile, "I don't expect you to take any part in it, but seeing as how you're a business partner, I want you to be aware so you can protect your assets."

I leaned against the edge of my desk, listening as he said, "And what makes you think I would enjoy sitting on the edge, my dear (Y/N)?"

"This isn't your battle, Alastor," I cautioned, "I won't drag you into this unless you want to."

Alastor's reply was friendly, but it still sent a chill down my spine, "It has been a long while since I have enjoyed some fun."

This man, my business partner and who knew what else, was more than just the gentleman he presented to the world. He was an overlord for a reason. Maybe if Henry McKenny wanted to play dirty, I would have no choice but to play dirty as well.

"If you're free," I said, "Come on over to the club for a drink. We should make a game plan."

Old No.7 | An Alastor x Reader StoryWhere stories live. Discover now