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Unlike the meeting to pick up the guns, I was on high alert as I sat down across from the man who had ordered a hit on my club. Henry McKenny leaned back in his seat, his slim frame small in the large chair, trying to look as imposing as the king he attempted to emulate. Under any other circumstances, it would have been comical.

"You've overstepped your bounds," He said by way of greeting. The tone of his voice set my teeth on edge. Who was this brat to talk to me like I was a child?

I kept my voice calm as I replied, "Would you care to explain, or do you want to make more vague accusations?"

McKenny smirked as if I had said something that amused him, "Your new partnership with the radio demon has taken some of my best customers. That's a problem and we need to find a solution."

Narrowing my eyes, I replied, "What do you propose?"

The mental chess game was getting heated. The tension in the room could be felt by everyone. Behind me I could hear Lester and Ian shift, no doubt moving so their pistols were more easily accessible. 

"I propose you pull your dog back." McKenny said, "Consider this your final warning."

"Noted," I answered in a clipped tone as I rose to my feet, "But you should remember I have two things you lack. An Overlord and more experience in this business than you could ever dream of. Now, if you'll excuse me, my associates and I are going to dust out."

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