Chapter Sixteen

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Zane Pov:
Travis, Garroth, and Ein were now rolling on the ground, gasping for air. Laurence seemed slightly amused, and I wouldn't show it but I was feeling a mixture of happiness and sadness. Happiness because Aaron at least still had feelings for Aph, and sadness because he was her literal fiancé. He should be madly in love with her like he used to be, instead of having a crush on her.

Aaron, on the other hand, was staring around with a perplexed expression. After a minute, he interrupted the giggle fest by saying, "Okay, I know it might be a bit strange because she was my best friend, but is it really that funny?"

"No." I told him. "It's not weird at all. They're just being dumfaces, as usual."

"Why are they so amused then?"

I sighed. "It's kind of a long story. Let's wait for them to SHUT UP and then I'll tell you."

At my yell, the three stooges shot up from the ground, completely silent.

"Yes sir, Zane sir." Ein said, saluting to me. I glared at him and he yelped and hid behind Garroth.

After me giving them each the death stare in turn, they stayed quiet. Then I turned back to Aaron.

"I'll tell you why they find it so funny, but you have to promise me you won't let it make things awkward between you and Aphmau. She's been through enough already." At this I glanced at Ein, and he cocked his head inquisitively. Then I started the story.

"A long time ago, you had a friend named Shu. You had never met her in real life, but you spent all the time you could together. See, you met in an online game that you both played, and soon you became very close. She knew you as FC."

"What does this have to do with Aphmau?" Ein interjected.

"He's getting to that!" Garroth said. "Be patient, this story is awesome."

I cleared my throat and continued. "You then entered your senior year of high school, where you met a girl. You thought she was the most annoying person you'd ever met, and she thought the same of you. You both hated each other with a passion, but the insults you spat back and forth were mostly playful. You called her a stupid potato.

"One day, you and this girl got into an argument that went a little too far and you both felt terrible. You went to the music room where you liked to play guitar, but didn't use the instrument. Instead you just sat there against the door. Then Shu texted you. She said she had been having a really bad day, and that she needed you. Of course, you texted back. Eventually, you both realized you had been hearing chimes from the other side of the door. You talked about it and decided that she would knock on the door. You heard knocking. You both realized that you were just on the other side of the door from each other. You were both excited and scared. You were about to meet you best friend in real life for the first time. You opened the door... And there she was. The girl you hated, and had gotten into so many arguments with, was secretly your best friend. After that, you hung out a lot in real life. You went off to college, there was a bunch of drama, and you and this girl start dating. In fact, you're planning to propose soon. And then..." I stopped, almost afraid to go on. My big brother scooted to my side and wrapped his arm around me. Ein looked at me concerned.

"It's okay." He said. "Do you want me to continue from here?" I shook my head. Aph is my best friend. I needed to do this.

I continued the story. "And then everything fell apart. Your parents sent you to a lodge in the woods they had bought, to clean it up and get it ready for guests. Some friends went with you. Garroth, Lucinda, Kim, me, and your girlfriend. There you... ran into someone you had met years ago, and he caused some... trouble. So much trouble in fact, that you nearly died. You and your girlfriend had to spend a year apart while you healed, since you being the Ultima caused your eyes to randomly turn red. After a year, you met up with her again at a place called Starlight Wonderland. The reunion was... I don't know how to describe it."

"It's one of the only times I've seen my baby brother cry." Garroth said.

I winced. "Okay, he's not wrong. I did cry seeing you two together again. Anyway, we spent a while longer at Starlight. At one point, your girlfriend asked you to turn her into a werewolf. You thought about it for a long time, and finally agreed. She was in pain for a while, but then you two went camping to get away from people and teach her how to put away her ears and tail. That was when you proposed."

"Wait wait wait." Aaron said. "I have a FIANCÉ?!"

"Yes, you do. Now be quiet and listen." He stayed quiet.

"A little while later, the evil guy from the lodge showed up again. That led to everyone finding out you turned your fiancé, and Garroth accidentally getting turned."

"I turned you?! Oh no I'm so sorry, that must have hurt so much-"

"Shh! Listen! Anyway, people started hunting for you, the Ultima. A bunch of things happened that are too painful to talk about, but eventually there was an accident that led to the evil guy dying and you losing your sight and memories."

"Wait, who's my fiancé? You never said her name."

"Okay, here's the thing. Melissa lied."


"You and Aphmau were more than just best friends."

Mwah ha ha ha ha

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See ya!


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