Chapter Nine

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Everything hurt. His world was made up of pain, he couldn't think, couldn't move, couldn't speak. His body ached and burned, but the worst pain was in his head, and his heart. His mind felt as if it was being ripped apart, his memories scattering. His heart hurt, some terrible emotions welling up that he couldn't identify. Or maybe the emotions had nothing to do with that pain, that pain could have been caused by the giant hole in his chest.


The WHAT!?

I didn't know whether to be relieved that I had enough feeling in my body to tell exactly where the pain was coming from, or terrified that there was a literal hole in my chest. The pain was subsiding though, so I could think more clearly. After a few moments I heard voices drifting around me, words fading in and out:

"Found!..." a woman's voice said. "...what...vanished...why..." A voice that sounded like a man's said. A different voice, a girl, replied: "answers...should he's alive...needs...well enough...cuts...weak...blood loss..." The first voice again. " it!...tell...wakes up..." The second voice said: "Okay...I want...guard...Melissa...back downstairs...not much we can do..."

The phrases that jumped out at me were: 'Cuts' 'Weak' 'Blood loss' 'Guard' and 'Melissa'. Melissa was easy to decipher, it was obviously someone's name, most likely a woman. Cuts, weak, and blood loss weren't too hard either. Someone, presumably me, was injured and weak from blood loss. The word guard was interesting, though. If I was in a hospital, why did I need someone guarding me?

One question claimed most of my attention, though. It had been lingering at the back of my mind ever since I gained the ability to think. This question was: Why can't I remember who I am?

Teeny time skiperoo

I. Was. So. Bored. I had been floating in this darkness for what felt like forever, and hadn't heard anything since the conversation when I first 'woke up'. I'd been thinking hard about the 'Who am I?' question, but nothing had come to me.

After another few eternities, light started to filter into the inky blackness. It was dim and reddish, like the light that comes though your eyelids when you close your eyes (how did I remember that but not my own name?), but it was light.

I groaned as I regained control over my limbs, then rolled onto my side. A voice shouted something incoherent, and footsteps came thundering towards me.

I cracked my eyes open and groaned again, immediately shutting them against the harsh brightness. After a moment I tried again, and this time they stayed open. Blurry forms took shape around me, and soon focused on a pair of... shoes?

I flopped onto my back and stared upwards, realizing two things: One, I was not in a hospital. I was laying on the ground, doctors would never put their patients on the ground.

Two, I still ached all over. Badly. In hospitals, they put you on drugs to numb the pain, I obviously was not on those.

Three, the faces looking down at me were glaring. If I was surrounded by worried friends and family, they would not be glaring at me like this.

Wait. How do I know all this? I can't remember anything, how do I know what hospitals are like?

As I gazed up at the angry faces of people who are obviously not my friends, I shoved that thought to the side. I can worry about that later. Right now I need to figure out how to make it through the next two minutes alive.

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