Chapter 24

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Hey I'm back. Motivation went bye-bye, but I'm struggling through it.

Decided to make a part three to the cupcakes, cause they never got frosted or anything and I figured that could be good fluff opportunity.

When the oven timer dinged, signaling that the cupcakes were done, Ein jumped. Kawaii-Chan pulled on Ove Gloves (not sponsored) and opened the oven door. A wave of hot air came bursting out, and Ein jumped back with a yelp. Kawaii-Chan laughed, pulled out the cupcake tin, and shut the door. She set the tray on the counter, and took off the gloves.

"Now we have to wait for them to cool before frosting." She said with a grin. 

Ein nodded and went back to watching the cupcakes, on the counter this time. Light steam rose from the tops, and brought with it a heavenly smell. Ein was almost drooling with anticipation, he couldn't wait to eat them. Kawaii-Chan left the room and entered the living room, collapsing on the couch with a sigh. 


Kawaii-Chan poked the cupcakes with her index finger. "They're cool!" She exclaimed happily. 

Ein, who had been watching over her shoulder, grinned with excitement. 

"Everybody went home to relax for today, but I called them and asked if they wanted to come help frost." Kawaii-Chan said. "Quite a few are coming."

Ein nodded, wondering how chaotic frosting the cupcakes was going to be. He knew that shenanigans would ensue, but he didn't know how bad they would get. Poor Ein had no idea just how much frosting was going to be splattered on the walls within the next half hour.


Zane came back from wherever he had disappeared to, arriving after him were Melissa, Lucinda, Aaron, Aphmau, Garroth, Laurance, and Kim. Eric had insisted on father-daughter time with Katelyn, and Travis had gone with them. 

Everybody sat around the dining room table, which had been covered with newspaper to prevent frosting stains. The frosting itself was in tubes made of plastic bags, with holes cut in one corner where the frosting would be squeezed out. Any and all colors imaginable had been made. Well, there were really only 10, but they had the basics. Sprinkles and other such decorative objects were laid out next to the frosting. 

They had used a 3 x 6 tin, so there were 18 cupcakes in total, each person got two to decorate. Aaron had opted out, 'seeing' as he could not, in fact, see. Aphmau had offered to help him, but he turned her down, saying that he didn't remember colors anyway and that was the whole point of frosting. 

Barely 10 minutes into decorating, a bit of Ein's angry, stubborn side came out. He had gotten so invested into making the frosting just right that when his hand slipped and he messed up, one couldn't be sure whether he was about to throw a tantrum or blow something up. 

A cold aura washed over the dining room. Slowly, one by one, gazes lifted up to meet the sight before them. Sharp green eyes narrowed at the offending cupcake. A fist clenched around the blue frosting tube. Wolf ears pinned against his dark hair. Everyone was frozen. Some were waiting for him to attack something. Some were waiting for the cupcake to explode from the sheer force of his glare. One person shivered at the anger flowing off his memory-loss bro in waves, and wondered what exactly what had happened to spark such fury. And one, using his single eye and quick wit, determined what was about to occur and made the wise decision to dive under the table. At the last moment, too. 

With a 'POP', the tube exploded and splattered it's contents across the room. Blue frosting covered everything, the walls, the table, the floor, people's clothes. A section of wall behind Ein's head had been spared, blocked by a shield made of Ein's face. His eyes, which had slammed shut on instinct, re-opened. The two shining, emerald irises were the only visible feature of his face. The room was silent. 

"Pff-" someone was laughing. Then, the whole room was in an uproar. Poor Ein sat silent, baffled at his predicament. 

"Dammit." Ein slammed his head on the table, smearing more frosting on the newspaper coverings. His attitude sparked another round of laughter to flood the room. Eventually, tears of mirth were wiped away and frosting was cleaned off the walls. Ein licked blue away from his mouth and Zane, who had narrowly avoided being splattered, offered him a napkin to clean off the rest. 

After the cupcakes were finished, Ein made sure to eat the cupcake that caused the mess with as much ferocity as he could. Despite it's deliciousness, it had offended him so he was going to devour it with as much hate as possible. 

Finally done. It's shorter than I would have liked but oh well.

See ya!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13, 2022 ⏰

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