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She looked hurt, angry, and most

likely sad. "I-I can't believe... that you... did that.. and my mom paid for that... and you just ruined... it.. was expensive.." She said with sobs in between.

"No! That wasn't me! Someone went into my locker Sandara! I wouldn't do that! If I didn't want the ticket I would have just said no!" My voice was shaky and my eyes were burning and watery.

Sandara took a deep breath, turned around and left.

I felt really terrible. I'm a terrible friend. And I have no idea how I'm going to ever pay her back for it. No one knows my locker combination except for Scarlet and Kevin. Also, I haven't told anyone about my tickets except for Scarlet and Eddie(Scarlet's friend). One of them, out of the 3 went into my locker and tore it up.


After school, I didn't know whether I should wait for Scarlet. If I ask her about what happened, we're going to have another fight, and it might turn out bad this time. But I don't have time at all. I went straight home.

(Scarlet's POV)

What is up with Tiffany today? She didn't even wait for me. I'm glad she doesn't know about how I cut up her ticket and sent Sandara to act like she did it. I had to pay some serious money. Tiffany doesn't deserve to go to a concert of our favorite band first. That's seriously uncool. I ALWAYS do everything first in our friendship not her. Jeremy skipped football practice and walked me home. We held hands the whole way.

I texted and called Tiffany 16 times! And she still hasn't answered. Maybe she's still jealous of me and Jeremy. I walked over to Tiffany's house and nobody was home. I kept on pressing on the doorbell repeatedly. No answer. I checked under their "Welcome" doorstep mat with cute little paw prints on them. No key. Damn it. I take out my phone and dial Tiffany's house phone. I heard it ringing inside.

Where could Tiffany possibly be at? I walked to the back of her house where they have their basement door. They usually keep it unlocked. I tried turning and yanking the knob. Locked. I looked around the house. How am I going to get in? The window! I'm pretty sure they don't lock their windows. But before I could get to the window I heard a scream. A woman's scream. Where is it coming from? I really want to know but at the same time I'm pretty scared to. I heard the scream come again. It came from the basement door. When I got closer to the basement door, I heard crying. Could someone be in the basement? But no one is home.. or is there?

The crying and screaming went on for about 3 minutes and I heard "Aww does it hurt that bad? It's okay, I'll just make this one quick." The lady screamed AGAIN this time and it was pretty loud, I don't get how the neighbors don't hear this? My heart was pounding very hard. I could feel the pulse in my ears thumping. That voice... it sounded like Tiffany's. I ran back home without looking back.


I didn't bother calling Tiffany again last night. That was terrifying what happened back there. But the next morning I had the guts to stop by Tiffany's house.

I knocked on her door, and it swung open. Tiffany stood behind it. She looked tired and had bags under her eyes, as if she's been working out all night. She grabbed her house keys and her jacket and stepped out of the house. I scanned her clothes. Her outfit is so dorky today.

"Hi." I choked out. As we were walking.

She adjusted her glasses and said, "Hi."

"How are you feeling today?" I asked.

"Fine I guess. Just really tired though."

"Oh. Okay."

There was an awkward silence as we were walking. I really need to act like I didn't do anything.

"So um." I started.


"I called you. And texted you like a billion times yesterday and you didn't answer."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Yeah well.. what were you doing yesterday anyway?"

"Nothing, just stayed home and chilled." Liar.

"Are you sure? When I went over to your house, no one was home." I confessed.

Her eyes widened. "Um.. I had my headphones in so I probably couldn't hear you."

"But you don't own an iPod."

It took her a second to reply. "I have a computer."

"You don't have a computer, you own a laptop."

"Isn't it the same thing? A laptop runs exactly like a computer."

"Yeah but you didn't mean it like that."

"Mean it like what? Why do you even care all of a sudden?"

"Because-because you're my bestfriend. I'm supposed to know where you're at."

"Oh. Okay then."

"Oh yeah! I have news to tell you!"

"Really? What?"

I told her about me and Jeremy and how we're going to the movies Friday. She acted like she cared and was happy for me but deep inside she was super jealous. That's just what I need.

We got to the school and I ran off to my other friends. I honestly don't feel all that bad leaving Tiffany because she has other friends too. I don't need to pay Eddie anymore for the good work he's done. If it wasn't for him, I never would have got Sandara to act like that. Tiffany's friends don't even care about her. They totally sold her out!


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