The death of Eddie

37 3 1


[Ages 13+]


(Tiffany's POV)

In the woods somewhere, I drag Eddie's heavy, unconcious body. I pull on the rope tied around him, and sit him up right against a tree.

After I sat him up I was out of breath.

I saw him open his eyes and blink a few times.

"Where...where am I..?" He said blinking and look everywhere confused.

" did I end up in the forest!?"

He started to get up, but then realized he was confined.

"What the hell!? What's going on here!?"

Then he looked up at me.

"Tiffany!? What's going on!? Get me out of this rope!" He struggled some more.

"Why should I help you?"

"What? Why wouldn't you!?"

"Well.. I don't know... you were the one who poisoned my drink.."

He had a guilty and shocked expression. "How did you find out?"

"Who told you!?"

"You kept me sick for days."

"I'm-I'm sorry Tiffany.. Just please.."

I picked up my axe.

"What are you doing with that?" I wickedly smiled at him.

"I thought we were friends Eddie.."

"We are! Just please!"

I raise the axe over my head.

"Tiffany.. don't.."

I held it up.

"Stop! No! What kind of sick person are you!?"

I impailed my axe straight at his arm.

Birds flew out of their nests as he screamed in pain.

Then I went for his head. Blood was everywhere. On the tree, my clothes, and the leaves.



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