Uh Oh!

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(Eddie's POV)

Man, what am I gonna do? That text from Tifany was pretty freaky. I know I shouldn't be scared or anything but she's a TOTAL weirdo. Everytime I walk in the halls she gives me a death stare. Scarlet said not to be worried but it's only because she's used to her. Like, who knows what Tifany does after-school? Also, Scarlet thinks Tiffany is up to no good too. She said she heard a lady screaming from Tiffany's basement. Well, I have a little surprise for her. We're in the student council and I asked her to come to our local café shop to talk about what we're deciding to put in the yearbook.

Tifany entered the coffee shop. She came over and sat across from me. She smiled and said,

"Hey Eddie."

Wow. I guess she's not mad anymore.

"Hey Tifany."

The waitress came over to take our orders.

" We'll take lemon iced tea." I need something dark to put in the poison.

Why am I poisoning Tifany? 1, she's a loser, and 2, she now knows everything.

"I was thinking we could get all the senior's signature on two pages, and then pictures of clubs, dances, and some field trips?"

"That sounds good." I noted some of her ideas down on my notebook.

"Yeah, and we could also put superalitves in one to two pages?"

I nodded and wrote that down as well.

"It's too bad he's gonna be a senior next year." Tiffany said.


"My boyfriend, Jordan. I won't be able to see him anymore."

"Why? What are you? Freshman?"

She nodded,"Yup."

The waitress came and brought our beverages.

"I'm going to the restroom." Perfect.

"Alright." Then she headed out.

I took out the poison out of my pocket. I unscrewed the lid and poured a 1/4 of it. I got the recipie off of the internet. They said if I put the whole thing the "victim" will taste it and probably die instantly. I put a little bit just enough for her to be sick.

I screwed the lid back on and put it away in my pocket. I made sure no one was watching, and no one was.

Tifany came back, and as soon as she sat down she sipped her drink. I smirked while she drank it.

"Okay, we need more ideas." I said. And we got to it.

(Scarlet's POV)

Math class is BORING. But atleast I have some friends in that class. I have Eddie and Jordan. And Tiffany, but she's mad at me right now. Tiffany was looking really pale today.

"Eddie, Tiffany is looking pretty bad right now."

Eddie looked at her and said, "You still worry about her? She called you a sociopath and I don't think she likes you anymore."

"Yeah, but she's still my friend though.."

The teacher asked Tiffany to write an equation on the board. Tiffany got up wobbling. Then when she left her desk and walked halfway and then she fainted. Her head hit the floor with a loud 'THUMP'. Jordan rushed over to her. I rolled my eyes, then several other people, next thing the whole class.

"Alright everyone step aside, give her space to breathe!"

Everyone moved away but Jordan. He stayed by her side. Anger built inside me.

Then my friend Ashely got me even more angrier. She asked me,

"Why are you jealous of her? Actually, I'm a little jealous of her too. Especially since the hottest guy in school is her boyfriend."

"Whatever." I said and rolled my eyes.

It got to a point where it was really serious that Tiffany was rushed to hospital. My mom said we should go to see how she is. When we went to the doctor, he said it was food poisoning.

Who would food poison her food? Then I remembered when I joked to Eddie saying he should spike her food and he said he was serious.

I can't tell anyone about this.. but this is really bad..

We went to Tiffany's room and she was asleep. Her parents were there. There was a nurse in the room keeping an eye on her. My mom brought candy and flowers.

"Tiffany, I hope you get well soon. That was horrible what happened."

My mom said to Tiffany while she was asleep. Then my mom started talking to her parents.

I took an empty chair beside her bed. I watched Tiffany sleep. She was looking a lot better than she was this morning. Her cheeks are more pink too. I'm not a lesbian or anything, but when Tiffany's sleeping, she looks really pretty. Her dirty blonde hair falls nicely on her shoulders, her lips are naturally red, her eyelashes are dark and long, and she doesn't even have to apply blush because her cheeks are naturally flushed.

A few mintutes later we left. I need to talk to Eddie on why he did that to her

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