Chapter 37: Last Touch

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37 Last Touch

Second stop-Red. She was getting more and more nervous. She wanted to be done with it. Get it over with.

"What?" Red asked her, startled at the sight of her.

She already knew where to find him. He was plopped on the hammock tied on the mango tree. He then immediately got up from the hammock.

Nicky looked at the rotting log, thought of sitting on it, then decided not to and just remain on standing, clutching her handkerchief. Red was also standing only a couple of feet from her. She'd rather have him sitting on the hammock than him towering over her.

"I have not been fully honest with you, Red," she then said, trying to ignore how loud her beating heart was. "But I feel that I have to be honest with you now."

She took in a deep breath, and then exhaled. She folded her handkerchief and placed them inside her skirt pocket. "I like you," she muttered quietly. The leaves of the mango tree rustled as she spoke.

There was no response. A silence set in, disrupted only by the sound of the rustling of the leaves and the distant chirping of birds.

Nicky draw out another breath. "I'm sorry I have to write your name during John Michael's activity," she said, breaking the disturbing silence. "I took it as a chance to finally let it out in the open."

Red shrugged his shoulders. "I don't mind," he finally spoke. "I thought it was easier for you to write my name."


Red looked at her, his brows meeting. Then, he turned his head to the side and shrugged again. "I don't know. I thought you're crazy about Iggy. It'd be really hard to write his name."

Bewilderment and amazement shook Nicky. But was surprised her more was how quick her mouth uttered a response. "No, my feelings for Iggy have changed. I like you more now."

Red did not reply except for a shake of his head.

"I lied. That night at prom when I said I'm over you. I am not. I couldn't get over you even if I try. And I did try."

Red was still shaking his head as he looked at her.

"I was deeply hurt when you said I was shallow. And maybe you were right back then. But it just hurts me more to have to deny the fact that I still like you. I never usually do this, Red. I was never usually the person who'd just come up to the guy and tell him how she feels. If I was that brave, I could have just come up to Iggy the first year, and we could have even ended up together. Or maybe we couldn't 'cause I could have freaked him out then. I don't know. And I'll never will." She shook her head as she tried to dismiss the thought of Iggy and her even being together. She knew now it just couldn't be anymore. She tried not to dwell on the knowledge that Red had somehow assumed she liked Iggy more than him.

"But now, this is my last chance to be honest with you and say what I really feel for you." Nicky let that sink in for a while as she took another breath and drew out a long one.

After a moment, with all the courage she could muster, she said it again, "I really like you. It all started with that song. And it never ended there. It never ended."

Red was silent as he remained on staring at her. His eyes-expressionless-merely staring. And Nicky was starting to feel incriminated.

"I never expect you to like me back," she then went on, trying to ignore his impassive stare. "But just please, say something."

Red still never uttered any single word.

"Red, just say--"

"No, Nicky, stop." He finally muttered, waving his hand dismissively at her.

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