Chapter14: The Two-Timer

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The Two-Timer

Nicky and Red were already walking out of the market when suddenly Nicky stopped dead on her tracks. “Oh crap!” She blurted.

“What now? Oh, shi—” Red nearly cussed as he grabbed Nicky’s hand and lead her to the opposite way, back inside the market. “Let’s find another way out.”

Nicky nodded and followed Red. She brought her other hand to the side of her face and let her hair hanged over it.

“What’s wrong?” They then asked in chorus.

“Oh, okay, you first,” Nicky then said, her hand and hair still covering her face.

“I just saw someone I don’t wanna see right now,” Red replied as they pushed their way into the sea of people. 

“Me, too,” Nicky said, holding on to Red’s hand tightly.

Red turned to her. “Really? Who?”

“None of your business. Will you just find us a way out of here and fast?”

“I’m working on it.”

They were already near to an exit door, when they nearly bumped into someone coming in. Nicky was pushed to Red’s side as they came into a halt, trying to avoid the collision. A slight pain seared on her right shoulder as it hit Red’s back. “Aw,” Nicky said as she hurriedly took a step back from Red. She wrung her hand free from his clutch.

“Nicky! You again!” A frantic voice clamored in Nicky’s ears it was deafening despite the already noisy market.

Nicky looked up and saw Aunt Gracia glaring at her. It was actually Aunt Gracia that they nearly bumped into. And it was her that Nicky had been trying to duck out all along. Before Nicky could even bother to reply, Aunt Gracia was already sputtering.

“What in the earth are you doing in here again? Are you cutting classes again?” Aunt Gracia voice’s was loud Nicky wanted to cover her ears. “Is it really your habit to sneak out? And I caught you twice in the same day? And you’re with a boy, again. Wait. This isn’t the same boy you’re with at lunch!” Aunt Gracia turned to look up at Red, but Red immediately looked away and turned around, giving Nicky’s neighbor only a view of his back. “Oh, I know,” Aunt Gracia muttered as she returned back to Nicky. “You’re two-timing.”

“WHAT? NO!” Nicky exclaimed. She thought she heard Red snickered. “And I am not cutting classes. I already told you that. We were out doing a school errand, Aunt Gracia.” She couldn’t believe her voice was quivering, and she couldn’t believe the wild, insane speculations Aunt Gracia was having.

“Again? What school errand is that that you have to do it twice in the same day? Don’t lie to me, Nicky. You sound nervous. You’re onto something, and I don’t think it has to do with school at all,” Aunt Gracia pressed on.

“I am not lying, Aunt Gracia,” Nicky immediately replied. “Will you please stop jumping into ridiculous conclusions?”

“What are you doing here?” Aunt Gracia asked. Her voice dropped.

Confused, Nicky looked at her neighbor, but Aunt Gracia’s eyes weren’t anymore fixed on her. She was eyeing Red who had his head bent down, but this time, his back was not at Aunt Gracia anymore.

“Hello there, tita,” Red finally said. His voice was low, almost inaudible. It was then that Nicky noticed he, too, was a bit uncomfortable, almost shy. He couldn’t even look Aunt Gracia in the eye. Nicky didn’t understand. Do they know each other?

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