Chapter 32: Half of Her Heart

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32 Half of her Heart

Nicky didn't like it that their class made a big deal of Valentines' Day. It fell on a Sunday, but John Michael, clamoring on making a lasting memory for their senior year, have managed to convince the class and their teachers to celebrate the occasion . Those previous years, Nicky could get through that day without thinking much on how to spend it and who to spend it with. She always had no valentine, and she really didn't mind, except that now, she finally had one. Or somewhat.

John Michael had this small activity he had already told and asked permission from Mr. Manginsay and all the other teachers. He had prepared some cutout hearts, of different sizes, cut in halves in different patterns along the middle—John Michael coined them as the broken hearts. There were sixteen hearts all in all, for the thirty-two students that composed the senior class. Each student would draw out a half of a heart, and then would have to look for the person holding the other half. The half should fit with the other half like the way a piece of a puzzle fit with another piece. Whoever was holding the other half would then be that person's valentine for the rest of the day. They would then have to sit together for each class and even had to eat lunch together, too. Most of the girls were thrilled by that idea. Some of the boys groaned their disapproval. Nicky was not at all pleased with John Michael's little dating game.

Only the couple Robert and Danica and a few persons who were in a relationship with someone not really in the class were exempted from the game. There were an uneven number of boys to girls, though. It was fifteen to thirteen. But then of course, John Michael already knew that since he said he'd be one of the girls to even the number out. It even looked like he was planning it all along.

Nicky drew out a cutout of a half of a heart. She didn't get up from her seat to go look for the other half—her match. All of her other classmates had been roaming sheepishly around inside the room, trying their half hearts heart with every person, seeing if they would fit. There were some spills of laughter as the boys would kid that his half cutout heart could also fit with the other half of another boy. Of course, it really didn't fit. Nicky watched as eventually their classmates found their match. There were reluctant glances and awkward exchanges of words. Some even tried to laugh it off. No one was really any comfortable.

It was then that Nicky caught herself. What I am still doing sitting on my chair? The last thing she wanted was to appear like a killjoy—a wet blanket. Even if she really had not the heart to play along with John Michael's little game, she knew now she shouldn't be so standoffish as well. Or looked too proud. Or arrogant. To someone. What am trying to prove to him? That I'm not arrogant? Or that shallow? That it's okay if I can be one of those girls, too? Why should I even care on what he thinks of me, anyway? I'm joining in and would try to have fun with this little activity, not because of him, but because I want to prove to myself—to everyone—or anyone that... that what Nicky?

"Can I see yours?" A voice pulled her out from her musings.

She readily glanced up and stood from her seat. "Sure," she answered and handed her half heart to Morgan. She forced herself to smile as she looked at him.

Morgan shook his head. "Oh, it doesn't fit." The boy then handed her back her half heart.

Nicky let out a breath. She then paced around the room, making his way to a group of boys. Jay approached her and asked her to fit hearts with him. Again, they didn't fit.  Nicky walked over to the boys and as kindly as she could make her voice sound, asked them for their half cutout hearts. She ignored when a few of them broke into a snide snort.

Finally, it fit with Josh's.

Nicky's very own heart sank. She didn't know how she handed her half heart to Josh, she just wanted to be done with it and move to the next guy, but then it fit. And she could tell Josh was even surprised at it. Shocked, even.

"Oh, the old lovebirds," John Michael sighed wistfully behind them. He too, had already found his match—in the person of Eddie Boy who had a what-have-I-gotten-myself-into look on his face.

Nicky waited for Josh's complaint. For his almost childlike tantrum demand for a do-over. Or to just have someone switch partners with him, like the way he impatiently tugged some of his classmates to switch with him during the drawing for Chris Cringle. She waited for him to do just that. She wanted for him to do just that. And then, maybe, like that Chris Cringle draw, Red would eventually give in to Josh and switch with him.

But Josh didn't do anything. He just stood there, quiet for a moment, then shrugged. "Okay," he finally said.

Nicky looked up at him in disbelief.

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