Chapter 12: Just the next valedictorian

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12 Just The Next Valedictorian

It was lunch break, and June was laughing amusedly as Nicky narrated what happened to her that morning, especially on how Red caught her doing her homework inside the bathroom. “Good thing he didn’t tell on you,” June blurted in between her chews. Some bits of rice were spewing from her mouth.

“Well, it wasn’t like I was really copying anybody’s homework.”

“Yeah, but it still doesn’t sound right.”

Nicky’s jaw dropped. “I couldn’t be cheating.”

“Hey, I didn’t say that. But it’s okay, Nicky. You’re not the only one.”

“No, June! I was not cheating!” She snapped but in a hush tone, afraid that anyone could hear her.

“Alright then. You were just doing your homework at school. No biggie. But the fact that you’re hiding while doing it makes it appear like—”

“Stop it, June! I know alright.”

June smiled teasingly. “Hey, you owe Red.”

“I do not. By the way, where are the rest of the seniors? I’ve noticed there aren’t that many of the class buying at the canteen?”

“They’re eating lunch at Eddie Boy’s.”

“Why? It really isn’t his birthday, is it?”

“Of course you know why they’re there. Nang Lita’s meals just taste better than the canteen food. You should try it sometime, Nicky.”

“How can the seniors be stubborn? They’d already been told not to buy any outside food.”

“Let it go, Nicky. You can’t really blame them. Now, please don’t tell me you’re gonna make a list of who’s not eating at the canteen because that’d be just ridiculous, you know.

Nicky sighed her annoyance. “I’m just tired of hearing Mrs. Duhaylungsod’s complaints about the fourth year students not eating lunch at the canteen.”

“Hey, I tried Nang Lita’s humba a few times, and it was like fiesta. It was really good, and it cost just the same as the thing they called dish in here. We should really go there sometime.”

“Someday,” Nicky replied almost wistfully.

“Nicky, Mrs. Duhaylungsod is looking for you,” a voice came from behind Nicky. She looked up and saw it was Lois.

“She couldn’t be asking for the list of students who’s not buying food from the canteen, is she?” June asked Lois when Nicky didn’t reply.

Lois looked at June, perplexed. “What? No. Mrs. Duhaylungsod wants Nicky in the office.”

“I know. That was just a joke,” June replied.

Nicky gulped an air down her empty throat. She was gaping as she looked up at Lois. “I did not cheat.”

Lois was getting more confused. “No. What are you saying, Nicky? I think the principal wants you to buy something for her. A tablecloth or something.”

Nicky heaved a sigh of relief. “Oh, yeah a tablecloth,” Nicky uttered as she finished the last spoon of her rice. She then scampered out of the room and sprinted for the principal’s office.

“Sucks to be a principal’s pet, Nicky,” June hollered after her.

“Shut up, June!”

“Was she cheating?” Nicky heard Lois asked June the moment Nicky was almost out of the door.

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