Chapter 18: And there He Goes Again

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And there he goes again

Nicky thought the walk with Red towards the principal's office felt awkward at first, but laughing with him had easily dissolved her anxiety over what would happen once they were in the principal's office.

Nicky could have never even thought spending time at the principal's office could be that enjoyable. It was an all-time jamming session instead of the dreaded reprimanding and giving warning not to misbehave again or their parents will be called. There was a moment of that though, but only for a minute. Their only punishment was to eat lunch with the principal. When they were about finished, Mrs. Duhaylungsod instructed Red to pick the guitar she kept inside her cabinet. It seemed that Red already knew where it was. He happily obliged, got the guitar in an instant, sat on the sofa right beside Nicky, and started strumming an old Christmas tune.

The principal squealed with delight at the familiar song. It wasn't long that she started singing. Nicky would have never thought Mrs. Duhaylungsod as a singer. In fact, she did not sound like one, but it was obvious she was fond of singing. Her scratching singing voice was tolerable, though, and she was not exactly tone-deaf. Nicky would not even mind if Mrs. Duhaylungsod would sound worse than Aunt Gracia belting out in her bath, because the sight of her principal happily singing was a surprise and a joy enough.

Nicky figured it was not the first time the principal and Red had done their jamming session. It was now obvious to Nicky, with the way Red homily moved about the room, without being sheepish or awkward, and the way Mrs. Duhaylungsod also uninhibitedly sing her heart out, that Eddie Boy was not kidding when he said Red and the principal were already pretty friends with each other. Nicky believed that Red had been to the principal's office several times, but being buddies with Mrs. Duhaylungsod, to her, seemed laughable. It was then. But not anymore.

Nicky watched in amazement at the two as they sang the second chorus of Happy Christmas (War is Over). She tried not to linger her eyes at Red, or he'd catch her looking at him. And that would be enough to have her heart fluttering. His voice was as good as she remembered. How could you know a person for more than three years and know nothing about him at all? She wondered. The moment they had their duet in their Music class was the moment she had actually seen him for the first time. And it was him that was all she'd been seeing since then.

"Ms. Dimasuhid, won't you mind joining us?" Mrs. Duhaylungsod ushered her to sing along.

Nicky declined, saying, "I don't want to spoil your fun. I'm actually good here just watching you two. You're both great."

"Well, I don't take no for an answer, young lady," the principal insisted.

"C'mon, Nicky," Red then said. "You're in the principal's office. And this is how you should spend time in the principal's office."

Nicky nodded, feeling a bit embarrassed. A few moments after, she sang along meekly. Mrs. Duhaylungsod smiled and sang even more enthusiastically and loud enough Nicky was afraid the whole school could hear them. Then, when Mrs. Duhaylungsod felt like her throat was getting sore that she was coughing already, she excused herself and proceeded to the bathroom, but still insisted the two to continue, and ordered them to sing a happier Christmas song. And it had to be a song she knew, too.

Red strummed another familiar old tune. Nicky smiled knowingly at the familiarity of the song, and then before she knew it, she was already singing. Red joined her in the chorus, and it was then that the principal walked in on them. Red gestured Mrs. Duhaylungsod to join along, but the principal just waved her hand good-naturedly, and gestured her throat was still sore.

"Now, I demand you should do a duet as your presentation for the Christmas program," Mrs. Duhaylungsod then said, after the two were through. She was clapping her hands like it was the most marvelous performance she had ever seen.

"So, what you got?" June asked Nicky as they walked towards the flagpole for the flag ceremony that same Tuesday afternoon.

"A notebook," Nicky burbled gravely. "From Beatrice. What's that supposed to mean? Is it for the list that I do? Maybe tomorrow, I'd get a pen. I could have needed a pen in English! Anyway, with a notebook and a pen, I'd be all set. I'm thinking of making a list of who gives the worst gift."

June laughed. "Well, have Eddie Boy on number one."

The mere mentioned of anything connected to Red made Nicky's heart leaped. This is insane. "Red—I mean—Eddie Boy? Why? What did he do?"

June eyed Nicky for a moment before saying, "He gave me a handkerchief. It's kind of cute and smells really nice, but I don't think I can use it."

Nicky looked at June quizzically. June shrugged and showed her a baby blue cotton handkerchief and the small, embroidered name at the side. It read Lizzie.

"Who's Lizzie?" Nicky asked in aghast.

"I don't know. His girlfriend, I guess. Maybe he just stole this from her at the last minute. Which is really kinda weird. I'm actually thinking of giving this back to him. He might have not noticed the name and thought he could get away with giving me an already used thing from another person."

"You sound pissed, June."

"I am. Oh, great, there he is, then I can really throw it in his face," June said as soon as they got in line for the flag ceremony.

The handkerchief came flying right towards Eddie Boy, but Red was beside him, and he saw it coming, so before it would land on his best friend's face, he caught it with his hand.

"You don't want it?" Eddie Boy asked as she faced June. Nicky was right behind June. The rest of the students were huddled in groups, and the lines were breaking apart as they waited for the teacher who'd conduct the national anthem.

"It's not mine. And totally not yours. It's Lizzie's," June told him.

"Wha—how did you know?"     

"Lizze came after me looking for it, moron," June replied as she snatched the handkerchief from Red's hand, and then showed Eddie Boy the embroidered name on it.

"Oh," Eddie Boy muttered. Red was trying to stifle a laugh. "I didn't know," he said, scratching the back of his head.

"You didn't know what?"

"I didn't know her name was on it."

Red drew out a small laugh. Nicky couldn't even help herself, and chuckled a little. She turned to him, and they're eyes met. She immediately looked away.

"I expect another gift tomorrow, and it'd better be not a second-hand," June demanded.

"Who's Lizzie anyway?" Nicky suddenly asked.

"EB's older sister," Red replied.

June was looking at Eddie Boy like she was about to whack him in the head. Noticing the tension, Nicky immediately got in between the two. "Well, it's alright June, Eddie Boy would certainly make it up tomorrow, right Eddie Boy?" Nicky said.

"Yeah, sure," Eddie Boy replied, a bit hesitant.

"You could treat June for lunch tomorrow, EB," Red said. He had his hands on his pockets.

"What?" Eddie Boy turned to him.

"You don't have to spend money. You just have to ask your mom about it."      

"Hey," June suddenly exclaimed, from a frown, her face suddenly twisted into a smile. "I like that. I'd be eating humba at your place tomorrow, then. And it better be on the house. And oh, it wouldn't hurt if I'd have Nicky with me, right? Don't worry, she doesn't eat much."

"Alright, it's settled, then," Red said before Eddie Boy and Nicky could even utter a word.

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