Chapter 6: BFFs

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6  BFFs

The day wound up fast, but it just seemed to progress slowly, at least for Nicky. The whole morning she had nothing to do but just watched all other students scurried to and from the four booths each year level had put up since Monday. The box office hit was the Facebook Booth the juniors had came up with. Annie, Josh's ex, was all up inviting every students who'd pass by to get inside their both. It was basically a photo booth with some props students can try on as they pose behind a backdrop. Nicky went in with June a while ago. Students would also register by writing their Facebook account. The juniors would then tagged students on the photos taken. If they'd want, they'd also be given a maximum of ten minutes (the juniors had only three laptops with unlimited mobile internet) to log into their Facebook account and add all those other accounts registered. They can choose among the list of almost all students in the school. Nicky decided not to log in. She was somehow tempted to add Iggy, though.

The fourth year's booth was still a hit.  Again, John Michael took over with their booth's set up. Their booth was veiled with white floral curtains and pinned with white plastic flowers. It was a Marriage Booth in which anyone can anonymously get any pair of students to get married for a day. Students can write the name of the couple they would want to get hitched and handed it to the seniors. For every thirty minutes, the senior would take turns in acting as the priest on giving the couple a blessing. The other seniors are tasked to go look for the would-be grooms and brides. They couples would be tied together on their hands and would have to spend the rest of the day together. Nicky would have her turn to be a priest at 2:00PM.

To cater to some shout-outs and dedications, there was freedom wall, too. Nicky thought of writing something on it, but she couldn't really think of anything quirky to say as of the moment. June always seemed to have something funny to write. She was at the freedom wall, replying on the comments of her earlier post. Nicky waited for her. 

"Hello, Nicky," she heard a voice above her. She was slumped on a cemented bench beside a young Molave tree, poring over one of John Grisham's classic, The Firm, a book she borrowed from June. She liked it that June let her borrow many books. It was June that actually influenced her into reading fiction.

She looked up and saw a familiar face beaming at her. It was Lois. She stood just about five feet, a couple of inches shorter than Nicky. Her hair was wavy and light, cascading down her slender shoulders. She looked like an angel glowing as the sun gleamed behind her, her beautiful almond-shaped eyes peering at Nicky.

"Hi, Lois," Nicky replied casually.

"You seem pretty busy. Are you studying?"

"What? No! I was just reading. This is not a schoolbook. It's a novel."

"Oh, okay, but you look rather bored," Lois said. Her voice, just like her features, was also soft, sweet and sounding almost child-like.

"Do I?"

Lois nodded curtly as she sat down beside Nicky. "You don't mind if I sit here with you, right?"

"What? No," Nicky hurriedly replied. She thought of the last time she had sat beside Lois. They used to sit beside each other every start of the school year when they were in elementary, but in each year, their teacher would eventually transfer them to other seats. The only year they had finally sat next to each other was on the sixth grade.

"Are you okay?" Lois then asked.

Nicky shot Lois a sideway glance. "Yeah, of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

"I thought you're still upset after what Josh did."

"Oh, that."

"Are you?"

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