Chapter 22: Our Song

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22 Our Song

For the rest of the evening, Nicky remained by the fountain, away from her mother and her disapproving eyes, away from her kid siblings who were probably wondering where could she be already, away from Mrs. Suarez and his sons, and most especially away from her classmates. Away from Red.

She sipped on her glass of coke and watched the rest of the guests pranced around and mingled. She noticed most of them were really kept to themselves, or only mingled with people of their league. They didn’t really interact with people they probably didn’t know, especially those who were of lower status. There were a few who right of the bat seemed like they didn’t belong there. Most of these few were some of Nicky’s mother’s officemates, and that included Nicky’s own family, too. And she could only care less, though. 

Scorning, she continued to watch the guests. Most of them were out of her league. Most were members of prominent and rich families, with their glamorous and expensive-looking dresses and suits. She had never felt more out of place as she realized she was in her jeans and t-shirt. And again, she did not care. Or so she liked to think she did not care.

The band started to play a song. Nicky recognized it immediately. It was The Beatles’ Come Together. The crowd started bopping their heads to the beat. Nicky’s remained stiff. She watched at the band. Still scorning. A girl was doing the vocals, and like all the other girls in the party, she too, was wearing a dress, a black doll dress, just that she had some high-cut converse shoes to go with it. Nicky watched at her in amazement. The girl had this edgy, raspy voice that Nicky thought was kind of cool. Her hair was cropped short, and a side bangs crossed her small pretty face.  Only two words came out of Nicky’s head as she continued to stare at the vocalist with utter admiration. Rock Chick!

Then, her eyes trained to someone familiar. Doing the lead guitar was Red, wearing a red flannel recklessly rolled on the sleeves over a pale blue t-shirt, faded jeans and a pair of old converse shoes. Nicky nearly smiled at how Red was being underdressed for his own party. Then, he got a hold of herself, and remained on scowling. She drifted her gaze and noticed Eddie Boy was actually the one playing the drums. She sighed, knowing there were loads of things she didn’t know about her classmates. Like for one thing, she didn’t know it was Red’s birthday. The remaining two members of the band, playing the bass and keyboard were some boys Nicky had not seen before. They looked a bit older to be in high school. On piano was a guy sporting a Mohawk, just cut shorter, and the one on keyboard had his long hair in a ponytail.

The band did a couple more songs Nicky had not heard before. Nicky could only suspect they were new and in the mainstream since most of kids her age there, especially her classmates, were singing along to it. Then, the girl said something Nicky couldn’t fully make out except the last words, “Give it up for the birthday boy!”

Red cautiously took her place, his guitar still strapped on his shoulders, bowed meekly and smiled at the crowd who were all clapping at him. “Thank you for coming, tonight,” He said on the microphone. “This next song meant a lot to someone and to me as well. It’s kind of our theme song, not that we acknowledge it officially, though. Anyway, this is for you Nicole.”

There were more claps and cheers as Red strummed the intro. Nicky was not for certain if she heard him right, but she was sure she was hearing him singing their song—their duet song!

And all Nicky could do was gaped at him. In disbelief.

Nicky hadn’t realized her name was Nicole until then. She was actually a Nicole. Nicole Ann to be exact. She had never really liked the name and was used to being called Nicky. For a few seconds, she wondered who’s Nicole? Until, she realized he was singing the song. Our song!

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