Chapter 23: Not Again!

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Not again!

Nicky was relieved there were no rumors spilling out about her attending Red’s birthday party—especially on her thinking he’d dedicated a song to her. Maybe because it was not worth gossiping about, or Priscilla suddenly turned nicer, or her classmates who were there were not really minding about it that much. Maybe, they had already forgotten about it. She badly hoped they did. But she could not just dismiss the images in her head—their faces seemingly in horror—like something dreadful just came over them—the moment Priscilla made it all obvious what Nicky could have assumed for herself.

She was glad everyone was busy and preoccupied with their preparations for the Christmas party and the school program. But with no classes going on, she couldn’t help but think there’d be more time and room for everyone to chitchat about what happened with them at the weekend—or with her at Red’s birthday party. The entire day, she tried with her very best to keep her distant from those who attended the party especially from Red.

Two more days to go, and Christmas vacation would start. This would all be over. She kept telling herself. Two more excruciating long days of having to face and avoid her classmates.

After explaining to the whole class all the things they have to get done and get ready for the school Christmas party, Nicky sat right back on her chair. She pretended to keep her focus at John Michael who was with all excitement running through the things she had just mentioned. Only few had really been paying attention to their class vice-president since most were all in their usual chatters. She also knew only few had been lending their ears to her a while ago, either.

“By the way, I’m afraid to say, we couldn’t do our dance number, or any number for that matter, since it’s already been taken cared of, right Nicky?” John Michael’s voice made her almost jump from her seat.

“What?” Nicky asked, confused.

John Michael grunted. “You know. Instead of a dance number the whole class should be doing, you and Red will be singing a duet. Clearly, the principal requested for it.”

Nicky could not reply. It felt like something got stuck in her throat, so she merely nodded. Then, she heard them.  The whistles, the jeers, the teasing, the taunts and the laughter.

It was Josh’s voice who first broke up as he hollered, “Don’t get way over your head again, there Nicky. Remember, you’re not Nicole!”

The rest of the class—the majority of them—went silent. They were not actually laughing. Confusion and curiosity sparked their faces as they all turned to Nicky. And all Nicky could hear was how loud Priscilla’s laughter was, it was already deafening.

Nicky remained on her seat, eyes glued to the board in front of her. Again, she was petrified. She could not move. She knew any movement or attempt to say something would just provoke more laughter. She felt her cheeks burned. Her eyes were hurting. She could not even breathe.

“What’s so funny about Nicky and Red singing again?” John Michael finally asked.

And Nicky could not believe her ears as Priscilla let the whole class in on the story. Everybody was in a hushed silence as they hang on to every word that came right out of Priscilla’s mouth. Nobody interrupted, except for more jeers and laughter.

With all strength, Nicky stood up from her seat, fought the tears that were egging to come out, and ignored all the eyes that were fixed on her, as with a small laugh, she said, “It’s okay. So I assumed. We can all laugh about it. And move on, alright.” She could not believe the edge in her voice, especially when she could hear just how loud and fast her heart was beating beneath her chest.

Everybody went silent as they gawked at her for what seemed like a long moment. She looked at them, and then, shrugged her shoulders. “By the way, we still need more representatives for the school’s parlor games. Anyone up for it?”

Nobody replied. Everyone was still as they remained staring up at her.

“Well, you all just could go to Danica and have yourselves enlisted. We’re giving out good prizes this year,” Nicky went on, her voice sounding more calm and casual.

There was no reply. Her eyes scanned the whole class again, careful enough not to meet Red’s eyes. She didn’t know if she’d be relieved his seat was empty. She could not help but linger on it for a second, before she quickly scanned the room again, looking for a sign of him. He wasn’t there. She figured he probably got out of the room the moment Priscilla started talking. He probably got out to spare himself from the humiliation. It was then, that he caught Iggy staring at her. He was staring at her in a way she hadn’t seen from him before. Like he was smiling at her, looking somewhat amused and pleased. But she dismissed the thought right away, as again, most of her classmates were staring at her weirdly, too.

Nicky shrugged again as he turned to John Michael, who except for her, the only one who was standing in the room. “I think you still could perform that dance number, John Michael.  And you should. I doubt it if I and Red are gonna be singing again, anyway.”


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