Chapter 30: Prom Night

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30 Prom Night

Nicky got through the Junior and Senior Prom Night all right-unscathed, unembarrassed, and more importantly, barely noticed. Or at least for the first few hours.

It was good that she was the emcee, she didn't have to go dance at the dance floor with the rest of the prom-dressed students. She'd have enough reason to act busy and stay away from most people. And she had been able to keep her distance from Red, who had Annie, Josh's ex, with him all the time. The girl, in a pink glittering gown, was practically clinging on Red's arm.

Oftentimes, she'd return back to her table and Jesse, her supposed partner would always be nowhere in sight. They barely even talked. The only time they talked was when he asked to get him introduced to some senior guys, especially Red. And all Nicky could reply was "later".

"Wanna dance?" June asked as she sank on her seat. June's partner had already gone out to the dance floor with some junior girls.

"No, thanks," Nicky replied as she ran her hands through her hair. She was not used to have them straight. And she thought it would turn out pretty bad, but she was surprised it was not that bad at all. Her mother borrowed some straightening iron from a friend Nicky wished wasn't Aunt Gracia again. Her mother seemed more excited for prom than her. She helped her fixed herself. And Nicky even had to admit her mother had done a good job in doing her hair and make-up because even Lois commented she looked pretty. At first, she thought Lois was only trying to be modest, but then later she noted the fleeting stares some of the students were throwing at her. She even caught Josh staring at her. But before she'd get ahead of herself and get too carried away, she reminded herself that she wasn't really the brightest bulb in the whole scene.

Most girls had donned themselves some incredibly gorgeous gowns. Their faces painted beautifully with make-up. Their hair styled meticulously and looking just as lovely. Nicky thought Lois, in her baby blue tube gown, was the most beautiful of all the girls.

But then, there were also some girls who overdone it. They put on too much make-up, their hair was too over-the-top, literally and figuratively speaking, and they were wearing gowns that were too flashy and revealing for a high school event. And for the worst part, some even looked older than their age-and that didn't really come off as flattering as it should be.

Nicky also noticed there were also a few girls who never really put on too much thought and effort in getting ready for prom. June, for example, was looking almost unbearably plain in her purple cocktail dress. Nicky couldn't even fully make out any hint of make-up on her friend's face except for a red lipstick that was already wearing off.

The boys had also cleaned up and suited up for prom. There were a few guys who stood out, and one of them, Nicky already expected, was Red. It looked like he didn't even have to do anything. He looked striking as ever in a black suit and a dark red tie.

Nicky smooth out her yellow gown as she shifted her weight on her seat. The whole place was dimly lighted with faint yellow lights and several candles on every table. Different colored strobe lights went around. The dance floor was filled with students dancing to the latest RnB music. The feel of the cool breeze that billowed through the open hall and the gentle sound of the waves splashing across the shore somehow calmed Nicky a bit. She watched the candleholder on her table. It was painted gold, not green. How could I even think of green? She then blew out the flickering flame consuming the pink candle on the candleholder.

She felt her throat parched. Her lips were dry. She was thirsty for quite a long time already. Her glass had long been emptied. But she couldn't really get to the long table where the soft drinks and the lemonades were. It was near to Red's table. And she didn't like the idea of passing by him again.

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