The night we met~ Knockout x Autobot Femme reader

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Requested by miss DeathFaller

Love u girlie! I said i'll give your plot justice and here I am finally delivering it XD

• Angsty parts. Guys be warned, it's going to be a bumpy road.
• So yes i'm the angsty queen, I love this type of writing, but there's plenty of cute moments, I definitely don't wanna scare y'all off XD
• Imma change POV a lot during this one
• Bold sentences are used for the chatroom, meaning they're texts :3
• Song fic! Song used: Lord Huron- The night we met
(I recommend listening to it. I took the notes of the request and merged it with my own ideas to make one heck of a story. It follows the lyrics :)

The night we met

"Hmm, have some room for me in that busy schedule of yours?"

I smiled at the simple words that popped down from my datapad. I've so desperately wanted to give the surprise away with the news of having my schedule adjusted, but it's on the down-low for right now. Minutes turned to hours, hours turned to days, to every day, which unsurprisingly turned to years. Two years in fact. Two years of talking to the love of my life through a screen.

"For you? Anything." I chuckled as I sent the message, the words being read almost immediately. The "writing" bubble appeared now, awaiting in eagerness as I pushed my project aside. Tools and polyester to the floor you go.

I am not the only traveler
Who has not repaid his debt

"Good, cause I snuck my datapad back from Mr. Orange grumps over there just to talk to ya. Last night you almost busted us, slaghelm."

"How am I not supposed to say goodnight to the prettiest Autobot in all of Cybertron? Naturally, it's in my bio-genetics to be a gentlemech."

The love of my life was an Autobot, my opposed adversary. And do I care? No. I'd want her to have her pedes in the right field. I just got screwed a long time ago with my side, and that's going to hopefully change soon.

"Oh? If that's the case I'll keep my optics peeled for this pretty bot. She must be special to you, no?"

I chuckled, typing back fast. "She's my world. And you'd do that for me? Aw thanks Sweetspark, I'll have to owe you one."

There was a pause, seeing the text bubble appear and dissipate before she sent the sentence, correcting the mistakes right after. Adorable.

"No problem! And P.S, You can totally owe it back to her by a swiss, you know, when you come see her."
^^oopsie, I meant 'Kiss' but you're a smart bot, I'm sure you filled it in for me 😉."

She never fails to make me smile, does she? Finding the right words, my servo slid across the keyboard as a smile wore my faceplates.

"Mmm, I have a opening this Tuesday. Think you can make it? I'm sure you want that kiss as bad as me."

I've been searching for a trail to follow again
Take me back to the night we met

"Wait..what? Knockout I swear to Primus if you're playing with me. Are you serious?"

"Can you video chat?" I asked, making sure the cameras couldn't see me in this particualr medical branch. I had boxes stacked upon each other, a "project I'd eventually put away" but for right now they were doing a great job hiding the camera angle.

"No, not right now. Optimus has popped up a few times here in base today. Ratchet usually does his own thing unless he calls me for another medical lesson but he hasn't in a while and today I have a feeling he's gonna set one up or something."

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