Ashes~ Knockout x Femme seeker reader x Breakdown

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Requested by CrystalMizaro
Sorry it took a while, I'm slowly trying to catch up! :)

• In this story, Megatron never enters stasis lock or anything like that
• Also, I want to add the fact that Knockout & Breakdown's relationship is strictly platonic in this and every oneshot I write, no romance whatsoever! I'm very keen on this, so sorry to everyone who ships it, I ain't one of them. I "jokingly" ship pairs ( like my OVERTIME oneshot for example), but actually, no, no I don't ship the vast majority of ships. I'm sorry! >_<


"Can beauty come out of ashes?"

"Y/D? Y/D!" Knockout yelled through the falling ash, coughing and wheezing. The sky was painted so dark in color, you couldn't see anything around you clear enough, except the glow of the fire everywhere.

Pillars, buildings, structures, everything. Everything was falling and slowly turning to ruins. Today was the day. No Cybertronian knew it was going to be this bad, though. Many were separated from their families, torn apart even.

"Y/D!!" C'mon, sh-show yourself!" The young cherry red mech yelled out through the rubble. His adolescent self pushed through the dead life around him, fueled with an adrenalin rush as the Bulkier mech trailed behind him.

"Knockout, it's no use. She's gone.." Breakdown said as he caught up to his lightning fast friend.

"No, no she's here somewhere, she has to be. We were just with her! We can't just leave her to perish like this, we-we gotta, we gotta.." Knockout said as he was forced around to look at his already grieving friend's teary optics.

"No, no.." Knockout shook his helm. "No, I'm going to continue to search, with or without you."

"LISTEN TO ME!" Breakdown raised his voice. "IF YOU CONTINUE TO WALK THROUGH ALL THAT SLAG, I'M GOING TO LOSE YOU TOO. KNOCKOUT... she's most likely gone...c'mon, follow me..."

Knockout's faceplates shifted to what looked like a face of disgust and denial. His optic ridges burrowed and his face scrunched up, as he shook his helm in the slightest. Without a mere second thought, Knockout took off down the street, dodging the falling pieces of burning material and piles of dark matter.

"Knockout! Primus Damn it! Breakdown yelled, and began to follow his only family he had left.

The air was so dense, too hard to breathe in. Large clouds of ash and smog attached itself to the atmosphere as it's primary home. The coughing continued, but Knockout pushed himself through it all. he climbed over fallen structure, and ducked through the tiniest of passage ways. What once was a lively little city filled with every type of life now dwells as one of the many ripped apart by the war. Almost the entirety of Cybertron was gone now...

Through the tears, Knockout kept on pushing, he had to. He had to find her. As he crawled under a fallen piece of a building, Breakdown screamed out his designation. The smaller vehicle came to a halt, but it was too late. He seen the shadow forming all around him through the dim light. He quickly looked above and saw the flaming hunk of metal heading straight towards him.

Knockout's servos sprung up to cover his helm and scratched-up body. At the last possible moment, Breakdown caught up to the mech and reached over the fallen piece of building to grab any part of the mech. His stretch was at the limit, and thankfully, felt his back wheel brush past his digits. He forcefully grabbed his wheel and forced him back to hit the building that was separating the pair. Knockout was in shock, he couldn't move. He watched as the burning mass fell and missed him by a mere inch.

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