Definitely drowning~ Hot Rod x Femme reader (TLK Bayverse)

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Requested by GlamRockCrash
It was a shorter request so I worked a little story in. I hope you enjoy!

• Uhhhh I haven't seen TLK in a hot minute so I'm going to try and wing this
• Now I want wings
• You didn't need to know that, in fact, that's not a chapter note at all
• Cogman creeps me out ;-;
• You also didn't need to know that lol
The French dialect will be italicized!

Definitely Drowning

"Do you know when you blush your optics light up 10x brighter?"

"And do you know-" Cogman cut in, pointing his digit in the air and then to me. "-that you drive that mech crazy whenever you say things like that." He then pointed over to the original mech I was talking to in the corner; Hot rod.

"So what? I know he likes it." My smile deepened as I glanced over at him, seeing his blue blush worsen. "Who else will say these things? He's adorable when he blushes."

"Over-confident today mon chéri?" Hot rod spoke low, his optics rolling as he tried hiding his blush with an energon can.

"Confident? Nah this is just my personality, you should know that by now." I smiled, holding onto his chassis from behind as he sat on a nearby chair. With a quick drawn out peck to the cheekplates I took my leave into the next room, leaving the mech a mess like always.

(3rd pov)

The male scoffed and shook his helm as he sipped his drink.

"She's got you..?" Cogman questioned, dusting off some of the knick knacks that sat in the garage.

"Got me tied up around her pretty little digit, that's for damn sure." He took another swig as he smiled and shook his helm some more before muttering some French to himself. "aide-moi."

"Why don't you talk to her? Everyone, and I mean everyone knows of your fondness of miss Y/D but herself. If you maybe, I don't know, talk your feelings out then you might have a good chance to get with her, no? Maybe she feels the same."

"Cogman, it is very pristine and risky. I don't want to ruin our friendship."

"Do you love her?" The small mech got to polishing his muddler as the orange and black mech watched his every move. "Well?"

"I've liked her for many, many years."

"Hot Rod, that does not answer my question."

"I mean yeah, yeah I guess so." He was scared to say this, choosing to swish some more blue liquid in his intake rather than speak. He got up from his spot and transformed, rolling out of the junk yard.

Bumblebee and the others weren't far as they did their own thing on the land. Cade wasn't here either,
He was away for the weekend visiting Tessa.

Y/D was outside with the other mechs, watching Drift spin on his blade unamused from the sidelines. Crosshairs was picking on him, which made the two mechs start to brawl once more. They did it almost three times a day so it was old news already.

"Okay, this is boring." Y/D said under her breath, picking herself up from the dirt path her and Bee sat on, deciding the scrapyard on the land might just have something more entertaining to do.

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