Dominance is my game~ Starscream x Confident Femme reader

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-Not requested-

Even screamy needs some love, ya grumps! 😂 You'll be seeing a lot of him throughout this book if I get my way, sorry! (not sorry)
(November 10th, 2022 Edit- I wrote this piece over two years ago and I can factually say my woah word came true 😎)

Not a lemon...but it does get...heated. Kinda like a non sour lime??
•Fun fact: this chapter started out as a Megatron x Reader, but I loved the chemistry so much between Star and the reader that I changed it halfway through, as a
"I hate you so much that I love you" type. I dunno I thought I'd share.

Dominance is my game

Y/D made her merry way down a too-long too-dark corridor of what would've looked like nothing if she hadn't memorized the floor patterns deteriorating the further you go in the dreaded ship she called home. The young femme followed the slightly glowing trail of red light reflecting off the ground, leading to the main control room and its array of panels and buttons. In there stood Commander Starscream, Soundwave as per usual, and a bunch of patrol vehicons. She made her way to face the scheming second-in-command, just another day in paradise.

"Starscream, how long have you wasted time trying to decode those coordinates?" Y/D's voice echoed out with her slightly stern, demanding voice taking effect as her posture leaned and groaned to mimic.

Starscream looked up from his datapad, completely blown away from her question. "Excuse me, Y/D? I am your commanding officer. Quite frankly, I don't feel the need to answer such a silly question from such a silly bot in the first place."

The two were staring optic to optic as the room shifted to become heavy in density. Y/D cleared her voicebox and corrected her posture to look more intimidating. She was not a tall bot, but her personality made up for her lack of intimidation, much like the grey seeker did when his boss wasn't around to flick him like the bug he was.

"I'll have you know, Starscream,
That you sir don't hold all the power any more. I am just as much Commander as you, so technically, you are not my administrator, and never will be given that chance again. I nicely asked you to help with a simple task, and since you don't do a fragging thing aboard this ship, you failed, yet again. Should I alert Lord Megatron and watch you sprawl into a frenzy with pleas instead?-"

Starscream went to speak, but was cut off by Y/D who apparently wasn't done with her rant. "-Soundwave decoded three sets of coordinates in the past week. I asked you to work with me, and yet here you are still trying to decode one single piece. To me, Commander is much too big of a title for you. Soundwave over there highly deserves that position beside me. He's a friendlier partner, too. The perks are ideal."

Starscream was enraged. How dare someone call him out, especially some femme, in front of important faces. His gears twisted and his servos each shifted into a tight fist. His words came out roughly, especially when he added his sarcastic touch.

"Oh you worthless femme,
I may not be your Commander, but I am still part of our Leader's commanding rank! I only take orders from our Lord, not some femme who thinks she runs the damm place. Oh, and for your information, if Soundwave was worthy of my title princess, he would've already gained it."

The femme tried to hide the small blush that crept onto her faceplate after hearing that stupid pet name. "princess", oh dear, what on Cybertron was she doing? The thought of him honestly repulsed her a little, so where did that come from? She quickly hid her rapid change of face and stood her ground once more.

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