Reckless Wrecker~ Ultra Magnus x Mech Wrecker reader

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Requested by: beepbeeprichie97

Love you, girl.

• GaY RoBoTs
• Don't like don't read :P
• (N/N) = Nickname

Reckless Wrecker

"Frag it feels good to be back!"

Y/D stepped out of his ship, smelling the fresh Earth air and stretched his appendages all around.

All the other members of team prime were crowded outside the military base, except for Ratchet, who was still in the base, and Ultra Magnus, who chose to lean against the wall and watch from a distance.

"(N/N)!" Wheeljack shouted, pulling you into one of his famous "wrecker-hugs."

"J-Jackie!" you said back, partially muffled and out of breath from the tight embrace.

"How long has is been?"

"Too long."

(1st person)

Wheeljack let me go, and I conversed with everyone that came out and greeted me. Optimus welcomed me back, and It seemed like nothing happened. I noticed the Commander leaning against the wall. He's probably not happy to see me. I walked past the others, and over to him.

"Long time no see, Magnus." I put my servo on my hip. He was giving me an equal death-stare. Ultra Magnus propped himself off of the wall, and stood tall and proud over me, bowing his helm down to look at me properly.

"It's Commander to you. I suggest you watch your language around your leader and Commander."

I was confused at first, but I remembered what I shouted when I first got here. He was scolding me, I knew two could play at that game.

Before I had a chance to say my comeback, He straightened out, and walked into the base. I turned around to look at Wheeljack, and rolled my optics. He started laughing, and I just shook my helm.

"Welcome back, Y/D."

(Time skip, still 1st)

It's been about two Earth months since I've returned back. Everyone but Arcee, Ratchet, and the big U' treat me well. I'm working with the femme, Bulk told me she has trust issues with anyone unfamiliar to her, so it makes sense. Ratchet is Ratchet. He hates everyone, especcially my kind: wreckers. Sooner or later i'll break him, I see that Jackie started to a tiny bit. Ultra Magnus is another story. He treats everyone else properly, but me. Even Jackie. Wheeljack told me he didn't at first, but it's been months now.

"Hey (N/N), c'mon, we got a "special" wrecker mission." Bulkhead shook my shoulder, walking me from my daze. I scuffled up onto my peds, and questioned him who is coming.

"Uh.....the wreckers? You, me, Jackie, and Commander Magnus."

My smile fell at the mention of the last designation.

"Magnus has to join? He ain't even a wrecker. In fact, he ain't a good team player either. Oh, and I almost forgot abou-"

Bulkhead's optics grew wider, and signaled for me to shut up through his stare.

I was too busy going off to hear the ped steps grow louder behind me.

"-I don't fragging understand why that slagger always gives me the worst jobs. I wanna kick decepticon aft, not patrol on a-"

A familiar voice boomed out just behind me, cutting me off mid-sentence.

"And Just who are you referencing to, Soldier?"

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