Serenity~ Optimus Prime x Femme reader

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-Not requested-

• Fluffffffffffff
• Optimus being an adorable bean as always :3


I missed him. It's been five Earth days without a proper ten minutes to ourselves. I understand that I signed up for a lot when it comes to being our leader's lover, but it was something I was willing to risk. I loved him, and I know he loves me. It just becomes hard when we're separated without consent. Sure, every time he left was without my consent, but I need to remember Optimus is our leader, and that he has to leave. It'd be selfish of me if I argued with him about his leadership, but the truth of the matter was that I was just worried. The war grows stronger everyday here on Earth, I fear I already know what my sparkmate would do if it came down to everyone else's safety. I just wish I could do something to help my team a little better. Being stuck here in the base doesn't help.


"Hey, stop daydreaming and get your tailpipe over here to help me before I change my mind" Ratchet said, peeping his helm out of the med bay doorway.

Hearing his voice pulled me back to reality.

I hopped off of the railing I was leaning on to go help the medic. As soon as Ratchet seen me coming, he went back to what he was doing before, retracting his helm back into the medbay. I couldn't help but feel like I was just a setback thanks to my injury, but thankfully Ratchet caught on and tried to give me as much work as he could find so I wouldn't feel left out. I guess the old bot had a soft spot after all.

"It took you long enough. Daydreaming about a certain mech again? Hmm?"

"Oh will you knock it off? I have a right to be worried. Worried for the whole team, that is. Only Primus knows what that fraggin' Megatron has up his sleeves."

"No need to stress yourself to death, Y/D. I understand we're all in an absurd predicament right now, but we need to stay positive and alert. I'm on call 24/7 waiting for his que. Knowing Optimus, he'll always lead our team to safety."

It took a moment for Ratchet's words to set in. Once they did, I realized that I'm probably overworking my systems for no reason. Ratchet's always right.

"..Ugh, you're right. I'm sorry, I think it's a femme's instinct to worry. I'm just overthinking as normal, it doesn't help knowing I can't really do a lot right now."

"You're helping me right now, so don't think you're not doing anything. In the meantime, how's that left ped of yours? Should be fully healed soon as long as you keep as much pressure off of it as possible."

"Wouldn't it be a wise choice for me to do paperwork or something instead of lifting and running around for your tools?"

Alright, Ratchet is almost always right.

Ratchet huffed out of disbelief, before looking up to me, seeing that I was right. I had a wrench in my servos, and a aftload of empty energon canisters beside me waiting to be put away. He sighed, then turned back to me.

"Mmft, I suppose after you finish putting those canisters away you could help me on the computer. Either that or go take a break for a while. No need to keep on pestering me when i'm working if you can't reciprocate back."

Ratchet turned back to his work on his medical lab computer, seeing the codes load in through the reflection of his optics.

I got to work, putting the energon canisters in their rightful places along the wide selves Ratchet installed not too long ago. Once I was done, I saluted Ratchet, him seeing me from his peripheral vision. He waved me off, not bothering to look beside him to face me.

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