Brainwashed~ (Bayverse) Quintessa x Femme reader

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Requested by: adianes2005

•My first bayverse oneshot! I love Bayverse just as much as Prime, I just don't write about it enough. Soon, though
• Please excuse me if I get some things wrong, I haven't seen TLK in a while.
• This is going to be very different from being movie accurate!


"You are to go find her and bring her to me, my creation." Quintessa whispers in Nemesis Prime's audio receptors. Nemesis is chained still, and every now and again another electric shock jolts his system, keeping him in place.

"Do you understand?" She asks, ready to jolt him again if he doesn't reciprocate. Lucky for Quintessa, Optimus was no more. Nemesis was fully loaded in.

"I understand, my maker." Nemesis says, begging for his chains to be set free. Before she released him, she gently touched the side of his faceplate, the side where the red metal appeared. She caressed the side once more, allowing the red to grow deeper in color. Nemesis' optics reached to be a dark purple, flickering from light to dark, and eventually settled on dark. He was more powerful then ever.

"Don't fail me, you'll regret it." Quintessa said to Nemesis, before releasing her chains and pulling them back in a matter of seconds.

"I won't."

(Earth, Y/D's pov)

I was sitting criss-crossed on a fallen tree, all the bot's around by the fire.

"Aright, alright, it's my turn now, step 'side." Crosshairs said, shoving drift a little bit closer to the fire in the middle of them.

"Try that again Gesu yarō"  Drift said, using another one of his Japanese insults.

"What the hell does that one mean now? I already know 'Nōtarin,' but that's a new one." Crosshairs says. Drift leans back a little on the tree, smiling. He grows silent, which pisses Crosshairs off more.

"The two of you, please, for the love of Primus shut your traps." Hound says, bumblebee nodding.

Crosshairs rolled his optics, and Drift took offense, it was written all over his faceplate.

It grew silent for a minute, the only sound was the crackling of the fire. Cade was sleeping already, and Grimlock was presumably resting too in the junkyard.

" you think Optimus is ever going to come back?" I ask, my helm faced down to the ground. Bumblebee gently patted my back, he was sitting right beside me.

"Here we go again." Crosshairs says, getting up to go get more firewood.

"I know I bring it up all the time, but I really miss him. We haven't been this separated in a long, long time. I feel like i'm going to rust all alone." I say. Bumblebee turns to hug me. He knows how much I miss him, and bumblebee was close to him too, I know he misses him too.

"Hey, lovers always find each other." Bumblebee says through his radio. It sounded like he was quoting some cheesy romantic movie. I smiled. "You're right Bee, I'm just having one of those nights I guess..."

"Kare wa anata ni modotte kimasu, kekkyoku kare wa shushōdesu." Drift says, picking up a flower from the grass and walking it over to me.

I silently thanked him for the simple gesture. I translated what he said back through my helm.

"He'll come back to you, he's prime after all."

Once I knew what he said, I smiled to him. He understood that I translated, and he bowed his helm.

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