Silent Confession~ Bumblebee x Femme scout reader

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Requested by: LuaKitsune
"Bumblebee x femme reader."

Ooh I'm excited for this one, everyone loves Bee ;-;

Oh and the picture above is so I don't know how it's even possible for them to eat food, but nevertheless it's adorable! :))

• All of Bee's words will be underlined for the beeping

Silent Confession

The base was quiet, a little too quiet. Ratchet was busy typing away into his giant cybertronian computer, Miko practically begged for ice cream, so bulkhead was forced against his will to take the three humans out for a sweet treat. (Not that he would've minded though.) Optimus took Arcee along with him on a mission, and Bumblebee was presumably occupying himself, wandering the base all bored and lonely. Primus only knows where and what Smokescreen was doing.

Before Bumblebee could think of possibilities of something to do, a call came in through Ratchet's data screen, projecting both pairs' of optics to the screen.

"Ratchet, this Is Optimus. Send a Groundbridge. We are bringing someone along."


Optimus and Arcee's mission was to swiftly check the increase of a dying cybertronian signal. It was faint, but it was there. Hoping it was Autobot, Optimus slowly approached the crashed pod.
Noticing the Autobot insignia on the side, Optimus slowly lifted back the mangled entryway.

A femme was tucked quietly inside the pod. She was in stasis.
She held a peaceful face and was still lightly clutching the control panel. Optimus immediately recognized her, as she was one of his leading scouts back on Cybertron. He glanced to her chestplate, making sure she still wore the Autobot symbol.

"Optimus, do you know this femme?"
Acree asked, helping him pull back the shards of metal.

"It appears I do. Her Designation is Y/D. She was one of my best scouts back on Cybertron. I haven't seen her since the departure."

Arcee helped Optimus drag Y/D out of the pod. Optimus went and ransacked what was left in the pod, and scanned all of the debris for any information.
Arcee leaned Y/D's body on the smooth part of the hull, and slightly shook her frame, hoping she would wake back up. After a few tries, Y/D finally fluttered her baby blue optics back online.


"Where-where am I? Did I make it to Earth?"

Y/D frantically moved her helm all around her, looking at the beautiful scenery of the rocks, and tree line in the distance. Her helm snapped back to reality when Arcee spoke up, and gestured to the Prime.

"Optimus, she's awake.
Hello Y/D, my Designation is Arcee."

Arcee flashed a genuine warm smile to the scared femme, just before Optimus stood before them.

"How do you kn-"

Y/D stopped her sentence mid-way, taking her optics from Arcee to the Prime himself.

"Hello again, Y/D."

Optimus lowered a servo for Y/D to grab and hoisted her up from her peds. She nearly fell upon walking again for the first time in eons.

I'm glad to see you"

Y/D stood to her full height. She was about 18ft, give or take some.
She embraced Optimus in a quick hug, then turned back to Arcee, and nodded to her.

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