Desire~ Optimus x Femme reader

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I've had this idea for a while, and upon reading Goldensboi 's
newest chapter in their oneshot book, appropriately titled "...Father?" I decided that I need to write it n o w. I took my ideas and mashed it with their "desire" idea.

^^Go read their chapter, it's beautiful and made me tear, no joke. Pls do it, they're an amazing writer and a good friend.

• The title "Desire" might fool's sad. Very sad.
Grab tissues while you can.
• We got some Orion Pax action in this one


He sat cold on his berth, servos covering his faceplate that pointed down to the floor. Empty bottles of high grade littered the ground all around him. This wasn't like him, it was just one of those nights that hit harder then the rest.

"Why am I such a failure?" "If I was a better mech I would have able to save you." Was the exact words floating in his processor, just waiting to be screamed out. Tears stained the ground below him, leaving a pile to accumulate into lost memories.

"I am sorry I failed you, Alpha Trion. I am no prime. A prime would not have let this all happen." Optimus kept repeating. He made sure his door was locked, and that no listening audio receptors could hear his pathetic cries for help.

With all this built-up guilt came anger. All of a sudden his processor drifted to a certain mech, one that ruined everything he's ever loved. Grey clouded his optics, and all he could see was the sickly glow of two red optics staring back at him. His optic ridges furrowed and his servos clenched together, one slamming on his knee-joint in frustration.

"If only I had the strength to end you where you stand right now." Was all Optimus thought. "That would be my biggest desire."

With his optics still closed, he could make out a bright light starting to emerge from nowhere through the darkness. Fearing someone opened his door, Optimus snapped his eyes open ready to dismiss whoever was there, but to his surprise, no one was there. Only white.

"Wha- Where am I?" Optimus questioned out loud. He stood and checked his vitals and doubled his appearance, all was the same. His spark beat picked up, and all he could think about was his Autobot family, and if they are going through something similar.

He soon realized that calling out wasn't going to get him anywhere, as there was no one there. He turned around, seeing a glowing orb floating a good distance away from him straight behind from where he stood. The orb was a brilliant shade of dark red, the color of desire. There was a mist surrounding the floating energy, syncing with the orb's movement. With such a bright white background, the red energy wasn't one to be shy.

Without a thought, Optimus started to make his way over to the red orb. His processor was swimming through his files, trying to remember what this red thing could be or where he even was.

At last he was standing right in front of the red orb, turning the room a dark shade of black and the orb itself a bright white, making anything within a foot of it glow too. Optimus studied this energy before ever daring to touch it. And that's when it hit him.

"The obtrix." Optimus muttered under his breath. "How could I have not known that." During his time as a data clerk, Optimus studied much, one of which was the legendary tale of the obtrix. The obtrix held the key to finding one's deepest desire, in which could become true. You cannot find the obtrix, the obtrix finds you. Once activated, the once red orb will turn the surrounding black and itself white, which clarified a few things to Optimus.

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