Fading light~ Smokescreen x Female reader

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I do not know how it's almost been over a year of backed up requests. This story was requested to me August 10th, 2021 by Ancis93 and I'm so sorry it took this long- I pay the price for having too many books at once ik ik- anyways enjoy! 💕

• Mmm..I don't have many notes this time lol
• Here, take this cupcake instead
• 🧁

Fading light

I wouldn't say i'm an overly stupid person. Sure we all got our moments but my moments almost always seemed to be directed in a good path. Life was always easier when you made the right choices
apparently, and it was a terrible feeling knowing I keep on making terrible decisions. I watched the rain trickle down the window as lightning cracked above me, showing the desolate forest basically growing wild in my backyard.

"You can't stay in there forever! Eventually you'll come out, girl."

My mother's voice seemed to always scare me, even through childhood. Usually I'd bow down to her words but this time something in me just snapped. I couldn't take it anymore as the argumentative comments dropped from both of our mouths. The next thing I knew I locked myself in my dark room and tried to drown out the noise.

With a loud pound to my door fight or flight kicked in. I know mom would never physically hurt me but her mental strain was enough to make up my mind and take the heat instead of staying here any longer.

Sure, this was a bad decision on every part. Mom will be furious but in time I know she'll cool down, she always does.

I didn't care if it was raining, what I cared about more was the lightning. I hated it, the harsh weather always had me jumping with every loud burst.

I opened my window and shut it quickly, looking for a game plan. I figured the forest wasn't a bad spot, I went there sometimes to clear my head.

As I ran closer to the forest's edge an electric zap of lightning lit up the sky and the surrounding area. I lost my breath as I seen the lurking 20-something foot shadow cast in front of my eyes and disappear with the loss of light from the sky.

"What the..." I say in my head, for what could have that been? I wasn't scared, more just invested to actually see what it was or if it was just my mind playing tricks.

I heard metal crashing against metal as I entered the forest, keeping mind of what I went in to look for. At least with the invasive amount of leaves I wasn't getting as wet from the rain.

I shook out the water from my hair and treaded lightly into the bush, going deeper and deeper out of curiosity.

With that, the lightning flashed and showed two robots seemingly
fist-fighting each other.

Did my mother actually knock me out cold and am now dreaming this all up?

With a pinch I knew this was indeed reality. I knew the world was advancing but holy hell I didn't expect to see two fully functioning robots stand before me in my lifetime. I got a little closer, close enough to witness the brighter of the two knock the other one down, the slim purple con shutting it's red eyes. I honestly didn't even know what was happening. Who was good and who was bad?

"Ha! Take that you stupid Vehicon. Waste of metal." So they can speak English? The white robot cheered to himself with a little happy dance.

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