Halloween Havoc (2) - Decepticons x female reader (TFP)

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Ah yes, the second chapter.
The Autobots had their fun, so now let us welcome the chaos of the other fraction.

• Same rules apply,  holoforms, holoforms galore.
• Following the Autobot one, This story is going to contain some sweet Megatron x reader lovin' :)
• (This Event is somewhat inspired by Howl-O-Scream here at Busch Gardens, Fl.  I added my own little details too, though. I literally go every year, in fact I went last night, so it's all fresh in my head! It's amazing if you like getting scared, lmao. Literally look up the haunted houses I mention, It's crazy. I can just write a book on all the shit that happens to me every night on that day XD)

Happy Halloween!!! 🎃

Halloween Havoc (2)

"And you say, this is a human tradition? One that will interest me?" Megatron asked me, hands held tightly behind his back. I knew he was only holding a strong persona because there were others in the room watching us.

"Yes, my lord. I think it will be fun for us all to participate in. We even dress up and all." I said, getting up from my kneeling gesture. I already knew he wouldn't deny my request, but seeing him faking a "I'm thinking" look made me mentally laugh.

"Very well. Soundwave, alert the others. We leave Soon." Megatron said, leaning on his throne. Once Soundwave left, he switched to his god-like holoform and gestured for me to walk closer.

"So you're meaning to tell me, that I'll actually enjoy this?" He  whispered as he smirked.

"Oh yes, my Lord. You'll be even scarier than the haunted houses." I joked. He pulled me closer.

"We'll see about that." He said, before pulling away to hear the door click open and in poured his Decepticon members.

"My lord, I alerted the vehicons of their duties while we are away." Starscream said, entering first. In followed all the rest. Shockwave was last to come in, as he shut the door behind.

Soundwave opened the portal for us all. I told them all we needed holoforms, and one by one, the vehicles twisted and transformed into their human selves.

"Heh, I'd do anything to get out of work for a day. Am I right?" Knockout said, nudging Breakdown on the shoulder.

"Er, Knocks, you're the only medic here. Honestly, if something happens who's going to save them?" Breakdown said, seeing Knockout's eyes go a little wide. Without saying anything else, the smooth doctor made a mad dash into the portal. Breakdown rolled his eyes. Yep, that was Knockout. He stepped in after him, followed by us all.


"This is where you wanted to take us to? Y/N this doesn't look like a horror fest!" Megatron said, getting up from being tripped coming out of the portal. We stood in front of a empty parking lot.

"We need costumes first, of course. The event encourages us to dress up." I say, holding the door for everyone.

"Costumes?" They all questioned. "Ooo, is a costume a weapon?" Airachnid asked.

"Nope, they are outfits, clothes." I say, pointing to my attire. Everyone's faces dropped. They all got so worked up thinking they were weapons or something of that nature. Devious devils, all of 'em.

"Oh great, the princess here is trying to make us all soft." Starscream choked out under his breath. Megatron looked at him before lunging a little closer, causing the seeker to scream and hide his face behind his arms.

"Seems like the only one getting soft here is you, Screamer." I say, grabbing Megatron's arm as we held the door open. He said he needed a minute once everyone else was inside, so we walked in and heard the door snap shut behind us.

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