Section 18: A Few New Faces

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Wednesday, September 24th, 2014-Hellsing Manor, London, England


Its about 5 minutes before noon, and I was doing paperwork with Skye in Integra's office. Maxwell found out about Integra and I, and I was officially excommunicated from the catholic church and I'm listed as enemy number 2 to Iscariot now. Integra is 9 months along now, and I am so happy. We are having triplets. Somewhere in between then and now, a smaller, but very there child formed, and I am so damn happy. Alucard admits he might have mixed up Integra's soul for the child's, and has told me that he will follow orders should I give them. I don't know what Integra told him, but he's been much less a pain in the ass, and I'm not going to complain. Integra's insisted on having the children here in the manor. It's where she was born, and so shall her kids have the same pride.

I've also noticed how sick lately Integra's getting. The kids are taking so much from her, and it's made her look sick. I have the medical staff on site keep her to her room on an IV drip so she can have proper nutrient supplements. Alucard spends most of his free time with her, helping her out with minor stuff, just so she has someone on constant vigil. Skye is glued to my side more than ever, and I can't help but notice she's been quiet more so than usual. 

" Skye, sunshine, what's wrong? You are eerily quiet."

She sighs, and bows her head. " Dad, can I be blunt and honest with you?" 

" Yes, of course, when haven't you been with me? What's wrong, nighean?"

" Dad, Integra won't survive her pregnancy. Even the doctors say she might not make it, and both me and Vlad can smell the death on her. I've been quiet because I know how much you love her, but this is a sad reality we have to prep for." 

I put down the pen I had been using and sigh, feeling my age actually catching up with me. I'm not the young buck I thought I was anymore. I'm well into my early 50's, and I am not going to be around for my kids when they get older. 

" I know. I know all this and I'm so scared. I haven't been this scared since your transformation. I'm trying to bury myself in paperwork so I don't face it when it is so damn clear and relevant that the love of my life, my wife of a year, is going to die before we can even be a family."

I broke down. I finally cracked and sobbed. Skye moved to hold me, and I just let myself break down and release all the pent up fear. I remember how Integra held me just the same with Skye, when I was scared about her fate, and it was then we bonded, how she showed a motherly compassion for a girl who wasn't even hers. Skye suddenly shoots up straight, and runs to the door, and so I follow suit. We get to Integra's room, only to have Alucard stop me from going in. 

" She's going into labor and the midwife said to keep you out of the room. Skye is going in to help the nurse by being her support. We would only get in the way." 

A heartbreaking scream hits my ears, and I fall to the floor to my knees. 

" She needs to survive." 

" The midwife is doing a caesarian in hopes she'll survive. Skye will provide a play by play through my bond with her." 

I move and sit next to the door, with Alucard across from me. Every now and then he'd pipe up with an update, but it was mostly silence only pierced by the occasional shout of orders. After a grueling 12 hours, we hear infant screams and I take a deep sigh of relief. The kids were born. Skye stepped out and she looked sick. 

" The smallest baby, a boy, didn't make it. He was a runt and was too weak. He is stillborn. The biggest one is a boy, a hearty 25 inches and a healthy 10 pounds. The third, a boy, is small, 20 inches and weighs in at 6 pounds, 3 ounces. Integra is stitched up and under surveillance of a nurse, and it is asked we leave her be to recover. If she wakes up, we will know and if not, then it was expected." 

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2023 ⏰

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