Section Four: A Chance Encounter

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Wednesday, December 21st, 2005-London, England


I woke up to a slight chill in the air, and when I noticed the window was open, I went over and shut it, shaking off the stiffness that came with it being open. I've found the window like that for the last few months since I turned 16, and I've told Dad about it, but he's telling me that I must be doing it in my sleep. I walked over to my wardrobe, and pulled out my outfit for the day, a pair of blue jeans, a white long sleeve, and a grey striped sweater, pulling on my black ballet flats, and brushing out my curls so I could braid them for the day. I put a thin layer of lip gloss on and the one eye liner Dad allowed, and it was a khol liner, saying if it was good enough for Cleopatra, then it was good enough for me. Dad hates it when I wear too much makeup, saying it wasn't necessary for me because I was already beautiful without it.

I went downstairs, and saw Dad was in his priest's garb, like usual, sitting down drinking a cup of coffee and reading the paper. I gave him a peck on the cheek as I walked past to go grab a plate of breakfast. 

" Good morning, Dad." 

" Good morning, Skye. Sleep well, did you?" 

" Yes, but the stupid window was open again. I swear it keeps up, I'm gonna nail the damn thing shut. The cold is making my body stiff." 

" Skye, language." 

" Practice what you preach, Father." 

He gave me the same glare I always get when I sass back. 

" Do as I say, not as I do. Now, Since it's winter break, what do you plan on doing?" 

" If It was alright with you, I wanted to go into town to go get Christmas gifts and such. I've earned enough from the odd jobs I've done that it's actually possible this year to do so." 

" I don't see a problem with it. You can drive and such, and you are responsible, so yeah, go ahead, nighean."

" Thanks, Daddy. I'll text you when I get there and when I get done so you know when I'm on my way home." 

" Thank you. And hey, no boys, got it? And you carry that knife I gave you, oh, and don't forget your cross!" 

I laughed. " Yes, Dad." 

I sat down and ate breakfast, Dad grabbing a muffin and a second cup of black coffee, before disappearing to his office for the next few hours. Once I was done, I cleaned my dishes and grabbed the keys to my car, and made sure my small little pocket knife was on my belt before switching out my shoes for my boots, pulling on my coat, and pulled on my winter hat as I go out into the surprisingly sunny day, despite the sky being grey. For my sweet sixteen, Dad surprised me with my own car, and even got me lessons so I could drive it without him having to drive me everywhere, with the understanding that I asked before taking off, and that I always told him where I was going and for how long I was going to be gone. Most called him controlling, but given his second job, I knew this was his way of keeping me safe. 

I get into my powder blue Lexus and drive to the city, parking my car in a garage, texting Dad before I even get out of the car. I take my ticket and put it in my wallet as I walk around town, getting my gifts for the Sisters and Mother Margret, which were new rosary beads so I could make them a new set myself, using real stones and silver crucifixes. I was almost done, Dad's was the last one I wanted to get, and it was purely decorative. I knew Dad loved knives and blades, so I found a place that collected rare and unique knives and swords, and had managed to convince him to sell me the Scottish claymore he had. It was old, and was useless, but I knew he'd love it. 

I went in to the shop, paid for it, and started walking back to my car while texting Dad, when I accidentally ran into someone, falling on my ass into the slushy snow on the sidewalk. 

" Oh! Forgive me, milady, I didn't see you there." 

" Oh, no, it was my fault, Sir. I should have my nose out of my phone when walking." 

" Here, let me help you up." 

" Oh, thank you. God bless you for your kindness, Sir." 

I take his hand, and pick up my stuff, thankful that it was still fine and all in one piece. I finally get a good look at who I ran into, and felt my body freeze. I knew those red eyes. I knew this man. I needed to run, I needed to get out of here, I needed to call Dad and get to my car and drive back home. He let me go, and the look on his face scared me, because it was recognition.

" Wait, do I know you?"

I shook my head, and let my hand rest on my hip where I kept my knife. 

" Stay away, demon spawn of hell. My father warned me of you. You stay back!" 

" Miss, I mean you no harm."  He spoke with a liars smile, and I saw his teeth. I knew it was him. Alucard, the Hellsing vampire.

" I know those red eyes, beast! Stay back!" 

I started running, which was proving hard with the stuff I was carrying, tears pricking at my eyes in the harsh wind of the winter air. I made it to my car, started it, and drove, calling Dad and putting him on speaker phone. 

" Hello Skye-are you ok? I can tell you're crying." 

" I ran into him, Daddy! I was walking around town and ran into that red eyed demon of Hellsing's! He was even faking kindness, helping me up out of the snow!" 

" Are you ok?! He didn't try to follow did he?!" 

" No, I don't think so. I don't take him for an idiot." 

" You are to come straight home! I'll meet you in the garage." 

" Yes, Daddy." 

" Everything is going to be alright, Sunshine. He will leave you alone. Did he recognize you at all?" 

" I think he did, I'm not quite sure." 

" I'll deal with this, just come home alright?" 

" Alright. I love you, Daddy." 

" I love you too, my little ray of sunshine. You are ok, he isn't going to hurt you." 

" I'll talk to you in a few minutes, I'm almost home." 

I hung up the phone, and the next two miles were the most terrifying two miles of my life. I pulled into the garage, and made sure the sword was hidden so he couldn't see it before getting out. I saw Dad come out, and I ran to him, feeling safe in his arms like usual. 

" How did you know it was him?" His voice held rage, but it was soft, as to not scare me further.  

" He had the same intense red gaze, it's hard to forget that." 

" True. He sadly has that ability, to make himself memorable. From now on, I want you to stay with me. I don't trust him with you." 

" Yes, Daddy." 

" I won't take your keys, but I don't want to see that car move an inch for the next few days." 

" Ok." 

" Now, let's see to it you get some chamomile tea with some sugar, yes?" 

" Oh, please. I could really use it." 

I went inside with Dad, locking my car as to keep him out of it so I could get the gifts later. I sat down, and talked with Dad about what I planned on doing for gifts for the Sisters and for Mother Margret.           

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