Section Six: The Priest's Princess

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Friday, November 22nd, 2012-London, England 


I hated today. I hated this date, and have since I became a vampire. For the last 500 years, I have loathed this date, mostly due to what it meant. Master knew what today was, and knew I would be in a foul mood all day because of it. I also knew if I had to work today for any reason, it best be a job in the field. Nothing made this day more bearable than killing something. I am sitting in my throne, remembering the last time I genuinely liked this day, or at the least, trying to. I hear a knock echo from my door, and with barely a flick of my finger, a shadow tendril opened the door, to show me Walter. 

" Sir Integra sends her apologies, but it seems there was an Iscariot meeting she forgot about scheduling today. She knows how much you hate today, and understands if you just want to stay here and do as you do."

" I'll come. Who knows, maybe I can get a round out of the priest to lighten my mood." 

" Maybe." 

As we walk to the car, I can't help but begin to try and think of ways to rile up Judas Priest. I knew mocking the bible always worked, as did trying to mock him for his celibacy. No, I need better material than that for today. It's not everyday someone turns 580, and for once, I'm going to make myself put in effort to try and enjoy today. We get to the art gallery, the usual meeting location these days it seems, and I notice a new face among the usual two. She is far too beautiful to be with them, so she must work with Her Majesty, until that thought vanishes upon seeing how close she is to Anderson, her soft giggles like a soothing lullaby to my soul. 

The white sundress brushed her knees, a dark muave sweater on her arm kept her shoulders warm, a silver heart locket hiding just below the top of the dress, the white bowed headband was a rather fanciful touch that I genuinely admired. She was tall, her head reaching easily to my eye level, then I notice the slight heel she wore. She was willowy, flowing in her movements, her lilac eyes and soft,  curled white hair in a high ponytail complimented her. If a sunny, early spring day had a human vision, it was this young maiden. She had an English paleness to her, but it wasn't horrid. I could smell she had an illness in her blood, but she seemed to live with it. 

Anderson gently tapped her shoulder, pointing to us, and her kind, gentle, and very much happy features twisted into cold, calculating, vicious, and bitter. She hated us, or more specifically, me. She must share Anderson's view if that's the case. 

" Good afternoon, Maxwell. Apologies for the minor tardiness. I almost forgot about this meeting. My age is beginning to catch up with me." 

" It is no matter. I would like to introduce Miss Skye Anderson, my new secretary. She will be handling all paperwork between us now, as to lighten my load with running Iscariot, given I am also getting on in age, it seems."

" Anderson? Did I hear you right?" 

She gave a small giggle, her very much delicate facial features losing the hostility and melting into a calm joy befit a professional setting. 

" It seems Archbishop here lied to me. I'll deal with that later. Yes, I am the adopted daughter of the good father here."

She offered her hand, and Master took it with surprise clear as a bell toll on her face, and I know I mirrored her shock and awe. So, Anderson was a real father, huh? This is definitely shaping up to be a much more interesting birthday. 

" I never knew of you. Iscariot did a wonderful job keeping you secret." 

" I wasn't kept secret, it just wasn't Hellsing's business to know until now is all. Now, I believe we have treaties to go over, mostly just figuring out boundaries in countries and such. Shall we get to business in the usual meeting room?" 

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