Section Sixteen: Changes And Power Moves

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Wednesday, January 16th, 2013-Hellsing Manor, London, England


It's been a little over a month, and Skye has made strides. She was a natural, but I never said such, I knew it would be upsetting her to mention Camilla. Alexander came to terms with it fairly quickly, all things considered. He loved watching Skye practice, and she loved to show off for her father, to show him she was capable. She had mastered her gaze, as well as learning to use the shadows as an extension of herself. Now, there never wasn't a moment when she'd be reading and not using the shadows as extra appendages, having them function as a chair, arm, or even as a shield of sorts. She was much more creatively versatile with them than I had ever thought to be. The next thing we were working on with her powers was how they could be used as weapons, and her pacifist beliefs were proving to be a barrier. She hated violence, and while it made me very happy to know she'd never get violently out of control, it was proving to be a hindrance at the moment.

 We were outside in an open part of the massive yard that Hellsing had, and Skye was arguing tooth and nail that a diplomatic conversation could fix everything.  

" Skye, love, you can't always talk yourself out of a situation. Vampires aren't pacifist creatures by design. We thrive on violence and blood. While being diplomatic will be useful, it's not always the most appropriate answer."

" I know, I just, I can't bring myself to hurt anyone." 

I rolled my eyes for the millionth time tonight, as did her father. Then I had an idea. 

" Skye, how many vampires do you think your father can survive a fight with?" 

" I don't know, 4 or 5 at a time. Why?" 

" And how many vampires do you think Camilla will have at her disposal?"

" About 9 or 10, if she's smart." 

" And if she has double what your father can handle, how are you supposed to keep him safe? She won't be willing to talk, not when your father is the very man that made her trying to get you difficult. So, with that in mind, are you going to just sit back and let him struggle, or will you step up and fight by his side?" 

" Of course I'd protect him, Vlad, that's foolish to think I wouldn't." 

" Then prove it. You remember as a small child playing a game of keep away?" 

" Yes?" 

" Then keep him away from me. I am easily stronger than 10 normal bitten, keep him safe from me." 

" Alucard, do you really think this is the best way to go about it? She knows I've survived fighting you before."  Alexander whispered, Skye looked confused at to the idea. 

" Not with my restrictions lifted, no, you haven't. Camilla won't be going easy, and I grow weary of wearing children's gloves with her. Now, go stand behind her. I won't actually hurt you, I don't actually want to make her mad, but I am not going to be gentle, either." 

" Alright, if you think this'll work." 

 He walked to where he was standing behind Skye, and I released one lone restriction, just so she can take this seriously, but not so she would actually think I was a real threat. I saw her face set to stone, her scarlet gaze becoming voided and emotionless. She always did this when she fought, and it was a horrible tactic to use. 

" Now, Skye, keep me away from your father." 

" I don't like this." 

" Life is full of things you aren't going to like. Now, protect him!" 

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