Section Fourteen: The Birth Of A Queen

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Saturday, December 1st, 2012-Hellsing Manor, London, England


Anderson looked murderous and Master wasn't too far behind. 

" I should have fucking known! Fucking christ!" 

" Anderson, please, try to calm down! Alucard, what is the next step?"

" A huge halt to anything Camilla might have planned is sadly to turn Skye and make it impossible for her to lay claim as her master. I don't want this as much as everyone else does, but we really have no other alternative." 

" You know where I stand on all that. It's truly Skye's choice." 

Skye was wide eyed in horror and wrath. " Do I have a choice, or is the choice really in the fact of which ancient vampire gets to lay claim on blood that isn't even my own to own!?" 

" Skye, Sunshine, it is a choice. You don't have to do anything you don't want to do." 

" I don't have a choice, Father! It has to be Alucard, because I sure as fucking hell am not letting that wrenched bitch touch me, grandmother or fucking not!"

I was shocked, as was Master, but Anderson didn't look the least bit phased about the vulgarity, or the ever thickening accent she was growing. 

" Skye, love, I understand that you have strong opinions, but please watch your mouth." 

" You watch your mouth, yeh fuckin' bawbag jessie! I am so fucking done! I have been through more bullshit in the last 48 hours than I have in my entire exsistance! I am a 23 year old catholic who has lived in one place since I was 6! I bet the crash that killed my parents was planned! I bet that Camilla planned on me becoming orphaned, and when she found out I came to live with you, it foiled her plans to possibly raise me herself! I wouldn't be surprised if when I turned 16, she started this whole scheme just to lay claim before someone else did! I'm a pawn and I don't get to have a fucking choice! I NEVER HAD ONE TO EVEN START WITH!" 

Skye falls to the floor crying, and Anderson was quick to catch her and hold her, as she sobbed and let out everything pent up. 

" I understand you are hurting, lass, and I am sorry that you are in this predicament. I tried so hard, and I failed at doing the one thing I wanted to do, and that was keep you safe. I love you beyond all measure, and there is nothing I won't do for you." 

" I love you too, Daddy. I'm scared." 

" I know, love, I know." 

I felt her hurt, and to see them so vulnerable, it made me remember the hour before I died, when I got to say goodbye to my family. Master was quiet, the gravity of the situation weighing on all of us. 

" Skye, draga, you don't have to do anything. I won't make you take this curse, only if you truly wish this fate will I give it to you." (darling)

" No, I want this, so I can become strong, so I no longer have to hide. If she wants me, she'll get me, in all my anger and violent glory. I'm tired of being the scared little girl hiding behind Daddy. I want to fight, to get stronger, so that way I can make her pay." 

Her eyes had shifted. No longer did they hold the same innocence, but now held a fire I knew all too well, and it seems Anderson noticed it as well. She was no longer a maiden, but a warrior, a fighter looking to prove herself. 

" If you truly feel like this, then let's not waste time. Come with me. You'll need to rest in my coffin until you've fully turned, then you'll have your own." 

Skye gave her father a quick hug, before handing him her cross. 

" I can't have that anymore. I'll just get hurt. And besides, what I'm doing, I don't want God to see, and don't worry Daddy. I know this is the work of a she-devil. I'll fight to make her fear the corrupted left hand of God, just as you make others fear the right hand."

She left with me, no hesitations, her head held high and defiantly proud. Determination radiated off her, and you could feel the absolute rage that fueled it underneath that absolute grace and poise. She walked like a queen going into war. Once we were in my chambers, I had the doors shut and locked, as to keep everyone out. 

" Skye, are you absolutely certain of this, love? There will be no going back once it is done." 

" I am certain, Alucard." 

I sigh, sitting on my throne, carefully setting Skye in my lap, a subtle blush on her face made her look perfectly adorable, and it was here I remembered she was a virgin, never even really knowing a man's embrace aside from fatherly love. Her purple eyes locked with mine, and I committed that shade to memory, I never wanted to forget how she had the most perfect sunset purple eyes.

" This might hurt, and for that, I'm sorry." 

I kissed her, giving her that one small comfort I could before the end of her beautiful heartbeat. She melted into it, her body pushing even closer. Pulling away, I kissed her neck, before burying my fangs deep, and her taste flooded me. She was sweet, decadent, and it was consuming. Her hands buried themselves into my hair, her scent spoke of the lineage she had to Camilla, and it reinvigorated me to make this delicate soul mine. I felt her heartbeat fade, and quickly I fed her my own life force from my palm, watching the bite heal and fade. I picked her up, and moved her to my coffin so she could rest and transform. Cutting my hand again, I placed the bloody palm on the coffin lid, and uttered the words she needed to survive-no, to be my true equal, for she deserved it.   

" By the right of me as the No-Life King, King of all Nosferatu, Count Vlad Dracula, I pledge this young woman as my wife, my love, and my equal as Queen and Countess. She shall reign by my side until we both shall perish, and I promise to this young woman, Skye Celeste Anderson, to a life befit the kind and gentle soul she is. I'll protect her, love her, and devote my very being to her, for a King is nothing without his Queen." 

The coffin glowed, and she was in the hands of fate from here. I moved my throne to be next to the coffin, and watched over it as her sentry. 

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