Section Two: I Love You, Daddy.

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Friday, June 23rd, 1995-London, England


For a summer day in London, it was shockingly bright and sunny, and all of the kids were outside. I was outside with them, providing supervision. I had just finished a mission a few days ago, so I knew it was going to be a little while before any new jobs popped up. 

I was watching Celeste play with a doll, carefully brushing the hair as to not ruin the auburn curls. Since her arrival, Celeste has been nothing short of a treasure. Everyday she is outside, she manages to find some new rock or flower or thing to give to either me or the Sisters. She is the smartest child I've seen in a long time, and since it was summer, lessons were on hold until September. She also was the most observant 6 year old I had ever met, calling out contradictions in the New Testimate with absolute keen intellect, so much so, it frustrates every single Sunday school teacher she has. I had to chuckle at how she did it too, her eyes usually held mischief, but her voice was sickly sweet, so much so it almost made your teeth hurt. 

She also loved to sit with me, refusing to leave me be if she knew I wasn't busy, but I honestly didn't mind. I loved to talk with her, even if it was mostly about her parents. I knew she missed them, having only been a few months that they've been gone. Everyone on staff calls her my little shadow or my little helper, due to the fact if I am working, she will find any excuse to try and help me with what I'm doing. I loved having her in my office from time to time, sitting on the floor with massive sheets of paper for her to draw on. I even had one on my wall she drew of me, and it was by far the funniest thing I had ever seen. I knew it wasn't fair of me to pick a favorite child, but Celeste was by far my favorite to date. I had seen a few parents look into adopting her, but because of her medical issues, most said no, opting for another child.

 I knew that her having an overactive metabolism would possibly be a issue for her getting adopted, most kids who came in with diabetes or some sort of handicap, be it mental or physical, they sadly rarely got adopted, often living with us well into their 18th year before they left. I had a idea pop into my head, and before I really stopped to think about it, I asked a Sister to watch the kids while I went to my office. I sat down at my desk, pulled out an adoption form, filled it out, and didn't once hesitate to go find Maxwell. He had an office on campus, and he liked to work wherever I was on my off time, as a security measure. I knocked on his door, and saw a very miffed Maxwell glaring at me. 

" What do you want, Anderson?" 

" You to sign off and approve something." 

" Oh, sweet Christ, what?" 

I hand him the form, and as he reads it, he gets even more irritated, just giving me the glare I've grown to know as 'I'm about to get chewed out'. 

" Anderson, you can't be serious? You aren't parent material!" 

" Sure I am! She loves me, and honestly, with her medical problems, you know she might not ever get adopted, so who better than me? Look, we already have a bond, and if she stays here afterwards, she is still just as safe as the rest of the kids. She'll still be with her friends, and she'll still get a proper Catholic upbringing. Most joke that she looks like me, so really, what's the harm?" 

" Why change her name?"

" Because then hopefully she'll be able to put the accident behind her and it'll help her grow a new sense of identity other then 'orphan'."

I could see his resolve shattering, but it wasn't quite ready to budge. 

" Maxwell, please. I never fucking ask for anything. I've been loyal to Iscariot and to the Church for years now. The absolute least you can do is give me this. I deserve something to show you value my efforts." 

" Oh, for fucks sake, fine! I swear, if it weren't for the fact of what you mean to Iscariot, I'd have you out on your ass long before this!" 

" Thank you, Enrico." 

I chuckled, and he signs off on the paperwork, stamping it, and handing it back to me. 

" You really are a serious pain in my ass, I hope you know that." 

" Likewise, Rico. I just return the favor." 

I walk back to the main campus, whistling 'You Are My Sunshine' as I do, and found Celeste singing 'Ring Around The Rosie' with a group of girls, laughing her little heart out. 

" Celeste, please come here!" 

She perked right up, running as fast as her little spindle legs would carry her. 

" Yes, Father?" 

" I have some good news for you. You've been adopted." 

" Really?!" 

" Yep. Read it for yourself." 

I hand her the paper, and as her little sky blue eyes roam the paper, she gets to my name, and she smiles so wide, it could melt anyone's heart. 

" You're my new daddy? And I have a new name?" 

" Absolutely. You'll live here at the orphanage, so you don't have to leave your friends, and so you don't have to skip out on your learning, and it'll be with a new sense of self. You'll be living here, but you'll be my little girl." 

" So I'm your Skye then?"

" Aye, you'll be known as Skye Celeste Anderson."

" Yay! I have a daddy!" 

She hugged me as tight as she could, her arms around my neck. I was so damn happy, I knew I had made the right choice. I could tell she was crying, and it made my heart break a small bit. 

" I love you, Daddy."

I felt my heart stop for a brief moment, pulling her close, I felt some sort of hole in my heart slowly fade away. 

" I love you too, my little ray of sunshine."        

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