Section Thirteen: The Corruption Of A White Lily

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Saturday, December 1st, 2012-Hellsing Manor, London, England


I was trying to keep my wits about me. My daughter just lost everything in a fire, not to mention, according to Balthory, my daughter very well could be a vampiric princess, a quarter vampire. There was no way she could be, is there? She was far too nice, sweet, kind, sympathetic, compassionate. She was far too human to even be considered anything less. She did have that metabolism problem, but it was a human illness. Could it be that she just needed a very small portion of blood to keep it under control?  Was it the quarter vampire that made her to be graceful and pretty? I was so full of questions, and after 24 hours of being at the Hellsing Estate, Integra was more than gracious to let Skye and I stay with them, I had to say that I was more concerned for her than anything else. 

Skye had become very reclusive once Alucard and I told her what had happened and what we had learned. She knew we would never lie to her, and it tore me apart to watch her amethyst eyes fill with tears and to watch her fall apart. She has never known loss like this, and it would take a very long time for her to heal. She now refuses to leave her room, Alucard's familiar, who I had learned was called Baskerville, was attached to her side like a loyal guard dog.  The black, grim looking hound was her only comfort and company, and Skye refused to leave and talk to anyone. I was sitting in the kitchen, making myself eat something even though I didn't want to, and noticed the time. Alucard was waking up in roughly 20 minutes. I got up and grabbed a blood pack, setting it out on the counter for him, knowing he prefers it on the warmer side. Due to Skye becoming reclusive, I've been taking my time to get to know the vampire, and realized we weren't so different, just one major difference and that was my faith and his lack of it.

 I saw Baskerville come in, and give me a very expectant look. 

" She's hungry, hmm?" 

The hound nodded, and I sighed, rolling my eyes as I walked over to the fridge and made the only thing she was eating, a peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwich with a carton of milk. It was her go to comfort food, and has been since she was a kid, and she was eating in surplus as a coping mechanism. As I worked, I saw Alucard come in, and grab the pouch off the counter. 

" Thanks. Is this seriously all she'll eat?" 

" At least she is eating something. She is in grief and shock. Skye will come around, but it will have to be on her terms and when she is good and ready to." 

" I get that. Poor girl. I hate seeing her like this." 

" We both do, but there is nothing we can do. When Skye gets into one of her moods, it's just best to let her be." 

I placed the sandwich and carton into a bag, and Baskerville takes it to her without question. 

" I'm just trying to understand why she is only letting my familiar near her but not either of us."

" The dog won't speak to her and provides a calming state, where as if we try to comfort her, she'll ignore it and think we're being placating and invalidating." 

" I can get that, but this is a hound that has eaten people." 

" She likes you and how many souls have you slaughtered?" 

" True. Then again, despite some monikers, you are no saint either." 

" Fair, fair. I just wish she didn't do this, you know? I get worried about what goes on in her head." 

" As do I. She is such a sweet girl, I'd hate to hurt her." 

" Alucard, I'm scared, not for Skye, but for what will happen should Camilla actually show up." 

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