Section Three: Happy Birthday, Skye

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Saturday, October 19th, 2002-London, England


I could feel the slight chill in the foggy autumn air. Skye was 13, and today was her birthday. With it being a Saturday, that meant she had the entire day to spend in town with me, and since this was a yearly thing, I knew Maxwell had told everyone I was off duty for the day. I got up, showered, and dressed in a plain black tee, blue jeans, and a blue and green buffalo tartan flannel, my cross sitting proudly where you could see it. I pulled on my boots, and walked to Halo's room, and knocked on the door, only to have it fall open. 

" Come on in, Dad." 

I push it open and found her in a white sweater dress, a canary yellow scarf around her neck, and a matching bow in her now platinum blonde hair. She really was growing into her beauty gracefully, most of the sisters commenting she looked ethereal in the summer due to how pale her hair got, while brothers of the cloth said she looked like Maxwell's kid, so much so he's forbidden the comments. 

" Good morning, birthday girl. You ready for the yearly trip into the city?" 

" Yep, let me just get my shoes on." 

She pulled out her knee high lace up boots, and grabbed her pink and white ear muffs. 

" Where's your cross, nighean?" (daughter)

" I have it on." 

" Prove it." 

She rolled her eyes, and pulled out a small silver cross from under her scarf. I give her a smile, and she glares. 

" Good. I like to make sure."

" I know, Dad. It's special cause of it's blessing." 

" Exactly. There are things out there that I want to keep you safe from for as long as I can." 

" I know." 

" Grab your backpack, then we can go." 

She grabs the bright baby blue backpack, white lace trim on the pockets that she sewed on, along with the crown embroidered over her name, both in gold. As we left for the day, Mother Margaret gave Skye a 'happy birthday' hug, and we were on our way. As I drove us into town, I saw the excitement build in her eyes. She loved London, and since I only brought her into the city every year for her birthday, it was a special treat. 

" So, what did you want to do today?" 

" Is the National Art Gallery open?" 

" It is. You want to go to an art museum?" 

" Absolutely! I want to see all of the beautiful paintings they have, the amazing sculptures and whatnot!" 

I laughed. Skye loved history and art, so I wasn't surprised at the request. 

" Alright, we'll go. Remember, no taking off. I need you in arms reach at all times, alright?" 

" Yes, Dad." 

" Good. Let's go see some paintings." 

I parked the car, and we spent a good portion of the day walking around, looking at the art, and taking pictures with the new Nokia Iscariot gave me for work, but I mostly used it to talk to Skye and take photos of her. She would worry if I didn't call her when I went on missions, especially if I didn't call after I was done. She knew I worked for Iscariot, I refused to lie to her about it, but she also knew what that entailed. She was a very bright girl, and knew better than to go telling the other kids about my other job with the Church. 

Once we were done at the gallery, I knew she had to be hungry. 

" Where did you want your birthday dinner this year?" 

" Is it already dinner time? Where did the time go?" 

" We did spend a good portion of the day in the Gallery, lass."

" True. I don't know. You pick something. I'm up for anything." 

" Nuh uh, I know that trap. Pick somewhere." 

She laughed a small bit, before choosing a fish and chips place along the Thames. As we sat down to eat, I watched Integra walk in, and noticed the security with her was none other than the damnable monster, Alucard. I kept my head down in my menu, praying they didn't notice or recognize me. I didn't want them to know about Skye, especially Alucard. I never want that beast anywhere near her.

" Dad, is something wrong? You look scared." 

" Skye, sweetie, would it be alright if we chose somewhere else to eat?" 

" Oh, sure. Is something wrong?" 

" Nothing you need to worry about. Just keep your head down, and follow my lead, alright?" 

" Ok." 

As we went to walk out, I saw that Integra noticed me, and when she spoke, I knew escape was impossible. 

" Anderson? Is that you?"

I stopped walking, and turned to face her, Skye hiding behind me as best as she could.

" Hello, Sir Integra." 

" What brings you here dressed like this? And who's the girl?"

" I had today off, and since it was Chantelle's birthday, I figured I'd make a day of it. She turned 13 today."

" Oh, that's rather sweet of you. I knew you worked at the orphanage, but I didn't think you worked directly with the kids. Well, don't let me hold you up. Happy birthday, Chantelle." 

I knew Skye was very shy and introverted, so she simply waved and nodded, hiding behind me, her eyes never leaving Alucard, fear coated her face, while Alucard looked to be memorizing her with an intensity that made me very unhappy. 

" Have a good day, Sir. Chan, let's go." 

Once we were in the car, I took a breathe I didn't realize I had been holding, and so did Skye, who looked to be shaking like a leaf. 

" Why did you lie to her about my name? And what's the deal with that scarlet eyed man?" 

" You are to never ever go near him ever. If you are ever alone with him, you are to run and try to hide and find a way to call me. He is dangerous, violent, and a heathen. I was trying to leave as to avoid them, but it seemed I failed. I'm sorry, Skye." 

" That explains why you were scared. He seemed creepy, like he wouldn't stop looking at my cross, and his eyes bore into mine, I thought he was trying to read my mind." 

" That's because he felt the blessing on the silver, and I wouldn't be surprised if he was trying to. He's the kind of thing that the cross keeps away." 

" You mean- Oh sweet merciful Lord." 

She made a cross and looked to say a quick prayer.

" Let's find someplace else to eat, then we can go home, yeah?" 

" Please. Good God Almighty. What's his damage?" 

" He is a vampire, a very old one that's served Sir Integra's family for a very long time." 

" Oh. He made me think of the Devil, his eyes were so scary." 

" I'm happy to hear that, Sunshine. Now, let's just shake this off and have fun, yeah?" 

" Yeah!" 

Skye chose a nice Italian place, and the rest of the day was smooth sailing, but a nagging in my mind told me this wasn't the last I'd hear about this and see Alucard with her around. God, please, keep that monster as far from my little girl as possible.

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