Section Fifteen: Coming To Terms

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Tuesday, December 4th, 2012-Hellsing Manor, London, England


I woke up in pitch black, and lifted my arms to feel out in front of me, only to hit something wooden. I went to move it, and found it was light, so I moved it to the side, letting me see into a stone chamber, then I remembered where I was. This was Alucard's room. I was in Alucard's coffin. I was a vampire now. I sat up slowly, and saw Alucard was sleeping in a tall chair. 

" Alucard, you awake?" 

I watched his eyes flash open, and his gaze lock with mine. 

" You're finally awake. It's been three days. I grew worried. How do you feel?" 

" I don't feel tired, and I also feel stronger." 

" That is your royal blood doing it's job. You'll no longer have an overactive metabolism. As a royal vampire, you'll be stronger than a normal one, as well as faster, and have no problems keeping up with me." 

" Really?! Are you sure?" 

" Absolutely, my Queen."

I raised a brow. " Queen? Is that what I am now?" 

" You are my Mate, my equal, my love. You are the No-Life Queen, Countess Skye Celeste Anderson-Tepes of House Dracula. If you were to be made into a vampire, you are to be able to be on my level and be my equal. I love you too much to give you any less." 

" You love me? Do you mean that?" 

" With every soul at my disposal. You are the light of my afterlife, Moonbeam." 

" I love you too, Alucard." 

" Please, call me Vlad. You are the lone exception to the horrid rules of man I must follow. Come, I grabbed a dress for you to change into, as well as a gift I know you'll love."

Alu-Vlad, Vlad helped me out of the coffin, and pointed to a changing screen with a massive mirror behind it. I walked over, and found a beautiful sleeveless violet dress with a short collar, the bottom of the skirt hit my knees, and there were a pair of matching heels with it. I changed, and looked myself in the mirror. My eyes were no longer the purple of my dress, but the red of Vlad's, and they spoke of power I had no clue how to use. I grabbed the brush, and brushed out my hair, the curliness of it had intensified somehow because of my transformation. I step out from behind the screen, and saw Vlad, but not as I knew him. His hair was far longer, about as long as my own, just as curly, only black. His face was older, and he was sporting facial hair, and he was in armor older than any I had ever seen. He turns to see me, and his jaw fell slightly, his eyes sparkled. 

" You look beautiful, my Queen." 

" You look different. Is this...Is this how you looked when you were human?" 

" Yes, draga mea. I was once a feared and revered prince, and now, I am a king, only humbled by your pure angelic grace." (my darling)

I felt my cheeks heat up, only to have Vlad kiss me. I remembered how before I was turned, he gave me a kiss, and this one was no different. Tender, gentle, loving, and full of heartfelt devotion. He loved me. I returned it, my hands resting over his chest plate. I pulled back, and we shared a smile. 

" Your father is worried sick, no doubt. I think it is time for the world to know of Countess Skye, Queen of all Nosferatu. But first, your gift."

He pulled out a bright blue box with a big white bow, and opened it, to show a golden moon on a stunning golden chain, with little purple stars glittering back at me on either side. It was beautiful, my old silver cross resting on it's surface as a touching memory.

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